Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Have You Ever Heard the Expression . . .

. . . yer gettin' too big fer yer britches?

See?  Takin' steroids really can hurt ya!


  1. Holey cow! Is that a carrot you got there, Mama Pea? That has to be the Schwartzenegger of all carrots!

    1. Susan - It would have been one prize-winning carrot if that ess-splosion hadn't happened on the back side! Wonder what caused it?

  2. That's the biggest carrot I've every seen! Must have been all that rain made it split or the steroids you're feeding your veggies.

    1. Sparkless - I've heard you can grow giant pumpkins by watering them with milk, but I promise this one got nothing but H2O. Maybe too much, as you suggested!

  3. you buy some of those GMO seeds this year or OMG seeds?????

    Wow, that is huge.

    1. Tombstone Livestock - Hee-hee! (No GMO seeds allowed around here!)

      I grow my carrots in a raised bed and I've noticed that the ones around the outside edges always grow bigger than the other ones. Wonder how big this one would've looked if it hadn't split and kinda splayed itself out?

  4. Replies
    1. Nancy - If all of them were like this, I would be worried! ;o) I don't think this one would have looked nearly as big if it hadn't split and spread.

  5. Mama Pea,

    Now that's what I call a carrot!!!! Sorry to see it's only half of one though. You say those are Tombstone Livestock carrots? I need to get me some of those seeds, lol.

    1. Sandy - The seeds were Scarlet Nantes from 2009 (guess they were still good, huh?). I know many gardeners had a lot of trouble with carrots not even germinating this year, but despite our cold spring and summer, mine did very well. Haven't harvested the whole crop yet but the ones I've pulled to use have looked really good . . . except for this one on steroid overload that kinda self-destructed!

  6. Replies
    1. Kristina - I should have never showed the backside!

  7. My, that's a large.....carrot you have there.

  8. I had one of those a few years ago and thought it the oddest thing. I think it equally odd that you got one too!

    And I have to say that I love your new header. Great photos.

    1. Leigh - We never know what the garden will give us!

      Thanks for the comment on my new header. My photos, but my daughter's graphic design skills!

  9. Replies
    1. Stephanie - Poor carrot just burst his buttons! :o}

  10. I pulled a beautiful huge carrot today...beautiful on one side. The other side was completely rotted or chewed...I couldn't tell. sigh....we have had some good carrots this year though! But nothing the size of this mutant ! lol

    1. Akannie - I'll bet your giganto carrot was chewed on by some little hungry something and then the rot set in. Why do they always attack the BIG produce?? I'm just glad that our carrots are so sweet this year. Hope they stay that way in storage.
