Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Glorious (But Windy) Weather

Since rain is forecast for the next couple of days and today was a fantastically beautiful fall day, Papa Pea and I took off this afternoon for a hike.

He was hoping to get in some grouse hunting, and I wanted to gather some fall foliage for decorating our window boxes.

My goal was attained quite successfully.  Hubby's . . . not so much.

We did flush out four grouse.  Three immediately took flight while one stayed on the ground . . . and apparently disappeared down a magic rabbit hole because we couldn't locate him for love nor money.

Even though there was a stiff breeze while we were tromping in the woods, we commented on how good it felt.  That was, at least, until around about 4:00 when the temp dropped, and it seemed the breeze went from balmy to a bit on the nippy side in a matter of minutes.

We drove down to the landing at one of our favorite lakes, and the breeze was so strong and downright uncomfortable standing on the dock that we decided that was the signal to head for home.

Once here Papa Pea did some mowing while I made a quiche for dinner . . . a new recipe that turned out scrumpdillyishous!  (More to come on that soon.)  A great way to end an enjoyable afternoon.

Even if the meal didn't include some tender grouse breast meat.


  1. Now that sounds like the perfect kind of day. Lots of grouse around here but you can't hunt them within city limits.

  2. Sparkless - We aren't in the city limits, but when one flew into our front yard a couple of days ago, hubby didn't feel "right" shooting it there. I guess it doesn't qualify as being a sporting shot then!

  3. Mama Pea,

    Now you've found some really nice colored leaves for decorating for fall. Sorry to hear hubby didn't get any grouse.

    Temperatures are going to change Thursday and Friday here with a potential of tornadoes. Tornadoes this time of year, oh boy.

    1. Sandy - My dear husband wasn't really upset about not getting any grouse. It was such a wonderful afternoon to just be out there hiking down a couple of old, deserted logging roads that we really enjoyed it.

      We've got rain coming up for the rest of the week and then beginning next week our temperatures are supposed to drop way down . . . dum-da-dum-dum! Our lovely weather may be on the way out. But no tornadoes here, thankfully. We had too many close encounters with them when we lived in Illinois and they still scare me. Stay safe, please!

  4. I love Grouse !!!! I could eat it all the time it's so good.

    1. Michelle - And it's a "freebie" we can harvest up around here. (IF we can manage to convince one to faint dead away at our feet, that is!) ;o)

  5. hmmm, all those beautiful fall leaves that pile looks like you went to the Dollar store and bought them.

    Love quiche and it is so easy and you can just add whatever you have on hand.

    1. Tombstone Livestock - You don't even get to see the colorful side of the leaves! Hubby brought them in from the truck and just dumped them (kinda backside up) on the shelf on the porch.

      Yes, quiche is great. I put in broccoli shoots from the garden, sliced mushrooms and fried chopped bacon bits I keep in the freezer for such dishes.

  6. What a wonderful day you had! I love the fall leaves...

    1. Ruth - The leaves have really been coming down in our neck of the woods this week. Supposedly (and I can see this), our colors are very late this year and haven't reached their peak but with the wind we've had and the next several days of rain, I'm sure most of them will come down. :o(

  7. We've been gathering leaves to "press" on our walks. I just ove them for decorating. I saw an article that used huge branches of foliage in vases. I won't push it with hubby, he already thinks I'm a bit "odd"-LOL!

    Glad you were able to take a day to just enjoy the weather. That's as important as any chore. All work and no play makes for a cranky wife, I always say!

    1. Sue - Wish we had taken the whole day. It was after 2 p.m. before we got our act together and took off. Took our old woods-road-banging-around Samurai and got halfway down the driveway when a belt snapped. (Were we lucky it happened just then or what?) So had to go back and take the big Suburban which isn't very good for the narrow, overgrown roads we wanted to check out. All in all though, it was a lovely few hours out and about in the gorgeous scenery and fresh air. (No doubt the same fresh air I could have gotten working in the garden, but you know what I mean!)

  8. I love fall hikes in the woods. I hope to do that this weekend, but they are calling for rain here too.

    1. Kristina - Yep, it's always the rain in the fall that puts the kabosh on lovely hikes and knocks the leaves off the trees. Hope your weather cooperates so you can get out.

  9. Sounds like a perfect kind of day to me too! Your collection of leaves look lovely. Ours have only j-u-s-t begun to change... mostly the poplars. Our 'peak' time is usually @end of October.

  10. Forgot to add that I LOVE your new header and profile picture!!! Particularly that it's your woodshed stocked full! Nice

    1. Lisa - I wish our colors would last until the end of October! Thanks for saying you like the new header and profile pic. I'm still woefully computer challenged and my dear daughter puts together my pictures for the header. She's good, huh?

  11. Lisa beat me to it! That new header collage is wonderful - I am assuming the ultra-talented Baby Pea (aka Chicken Mama) put it together...and I love the new picture of you! Our color went from 30 to 100 in a matter of a couple of days. Such beautiful weather we've had, but the end is in sight. We've got rain forecast for the foreseeable future. Glad you two got to do something non-work-related!

    1. Susan - Thank you, and Baby Pea thanks you, too! Believe it or not, hubby and I do take a little time off now and then. (I just can't tell you about all of it. Hahahahaha!) Our best times are when we're out hiking or canoeing or moving in some way because if we sit down in the sun or relax with a book, I'm asleep within the first 10 minutes. Batten the hatches down for the upcoming rain. We've got the same thing coming.

  12. I, and apparently everyone else, LOVE the new header! Although I didn't notice the new picture of Mama Pea so had to just now scroll all the way up to see it. Nice. But I'm still partial to the "Pot On Head" shot.

    1. Carolyn - Thanks, m'dear. Creative credit goes to Chicken Mama. Stick around. I'm sure I'll use my "pot head" picture again some day. (I've said it before, it's the best picture I've ever had taken!)
