Thursday, April 4, 2013

Is The Week Over Yet?

This has turned out to be a busy week with a couple/few non-usual things going on.  It's left Papa Pea and me huffing and puffing and so tired at the end of the day yesterday that we both looked like something the cat dragged in . . . something that hadn't had enough sleep in several nights.

Determined to get some good rest last night, I think we were in bed (and very quickly asleep) by 9:30.  Neither of us stirred until nature called me at 6:15 this morning.  I really, truly did give serious thought to staying up . . . but didn't.  Next thing we knew, it was 8:20.  Whoa!  That's a late get-up-and-get-crackin' time for us.

We were talking with our daughter last night and she asked how a certain undertaking with which we've been dealing for about three (long) weeks now was progressing.  Well, we explained, we've come down to the wire of wrapping things up, anticipating a good outcome and looking forward to heaving a big sigh and putting a done-deal stamp on the project.  What did we learn early this week?  The fella-in-charge, with whom we've been working, abruptly left the company and is, as we speak, moving halfway across the country to a new job.  Taking in this latest development with her mouth hanging slightly open, Chicken Mama said, "These weird glitches happen to you two more often than anyone else I know."  (All is not bad though.  Our fella-in-charge assures us he left his old company on good terms and will be finishing up all of his work in progress there.  Our fingers are crossed.  Tightly.)

I still have my Easter decorations out.  Would be a good idea to get them put away today and some spring-like items set around to encourage blooms and blossoms outside (I wonder if that would actually help?) to compete with the mud we'll be facing for a while longer.  Yeah, new decorations would be a good idea.  (Agnes?  Oh, AG-nes?  [She's my fantasy maid.]  Would you get right on that, please?)

Our snow continues to melt and I can see more of the garden area and surrounding bare ground every day.  No, not a pretty time of year here.  Very lacking in color unless, of course, you have a special thing for mud brown.  I don't.

Also a lot of gray, heaviness in the out-of-doors atmosphere today.  Because I have an unexpected day at home (another little change in plans . . . have I mentioned I don't like surprises or changes?), I'm thinking I should grind some flour and fill the house with the aroma of baking bread.

I'll do that just as soon as I talk with Agnes and get her started on her list for the day.  


  1. Agnes....huh! Now, why didn't I think of that...
    Probably wouldn't do any good.....and, I am to cheap to hire a real maid. Tho....sometimes....when I would rather be doing something sure seems like more fun than cleaning house myself!
    Yes, it is sure grey. I don't guess I will be out photographing anything today. Toby won't be getting any dips in Lake Superior today either!

    1. Foxy Lady - In reality, I'm sure I wouldn't know how to act with a maid around! More than a maid, in the summer time when the garden is giving us tons and tons of luscious, fresh veggies and fruit to eat, I'd love to have an innovative, really good cook in the kitchen creating three wonderful meals a day from the produce I could grow and bring in from the garden! Even though I love to cook, I can't cook and be outside all day so I'd opt for someone else in here cooking. Dream on, huh?

  2. Don't tell me you're going to leave us hanging here. What in the world is this project that is sucking the air out of your day (so to speak...)? Our inquiring minds NEED to know!

    1. Susan - Sorry, no need for you to get excited about anything interesting I might have to report or share. It's just a mundane matter (sort of like doing your taxes!) that needed to be done . . . one that required some research in order to make the best decision. OR . . . I could make something up that would be really interesting! (If only my brain was functioning in a creative mode right now. Which it's not.)

  3. I'm with Susan, what's this event that has taken up all your energy and will to live?? Make something up, we'll believe you!

    We're getting some rain, which makes for a dreary sky, but hopefully some colorful flowers soon. Wish I could send ya some.

    1. Carolyn - It's more a combination of one or two bigger projects and a whole bunch of little ones. Plus planning and getting ready for our "get-it-done" season ahead. But, okay, I'll make up something: Guess what? We've won the lottery and will be getting $5,000 a week for life! We're going to build the barn we've always wanted, put up a huge hoop house in the expanded garden area where I can actually grow tomatoes, corn, peppers, sweet potatoes and eggplant in our short growing season, hire to have our greenhouse attached to the house finished (with a heating and cooling system), buy two miniature milk cows (don't want one to be lonely), two dairy goats and two bucks (don't want a lonely buck either), get the fast rusting out bodies on our vehicles fixed, buy Chicken Mama a new place of her own, and . . . and . . . and . . . gosh, this is fun. I think I could go on forever.

      Our gray day has turned to sunshine (yay!) which means more snow melting and drying of The Mud. Doesn't get much better than that. Glad to hear you're getting the rain. April showers bring May flowers!!

  4. I hope your new "guy" can take care of things or the old one helps finish up the business for you. I hope you and Papa Pea can get a good nights rest. You two don't really understand the concept of retirement do you?

    1. Sparkless - You have no idea how often we look at each other and say, "Aren't we supposed to be retired?"

      (Gotta say your comment gave me a chuckle!)

  5. I was going to comment on your post .But after reading your reply to Carolyn. I want your make up story. It sounds great to me. Is there any way you could just twitch your nose and make it happen.

    1. Michelle - If only! If I ever were given $5,000 a week for life, I promise you I would be generous with it. Let me know your fantasy list . . . just in case it happens. ;o)

  6. Can you let me borrow Agnes once in awhile? Hehe. Hope you get to rest some.

    1. Stephanie - If she ever shapes up and actually arrives for work here, I'll ask her if she'd like to make a little trip to your neck o' the woods!

  7. Project sounds intriguing but I just hope it turns out the way you want!

    1. Erin - We're STILL playing ridiculous games trying to get this straightened out. Grrrrr!

  8. My first time here and I'm rewarded by meeting Agnes! How great is she?! I gotta get me a fantasy maid. Whole lot better than the nothing maid I've been working with....

    1. Tyche - Welcome and thanks for commenting! If Agnes ever shows up when I need her, I'll ask if she can squeeze you into her schedule! ;o)
