Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sneak Peek

Just have to sew the hanging sleeve on the back of my new Christmas wall hanging, give it a good press and it will be done!

More later today.  Or tonight.  Or . . . 

Hope you're all having a good weekend.  I am!


  1. Ooo... that is lovely! I got to spend several hours in the quilt room yesterday but nothing as stunning as that. I was just finishing a few potholders for gifts. Still need to finish a quilt and maybe, just maybe make something for V...
    Glad you are having a productive weekend!

    1. Judy - Yepper, we've simply GOT to find time to be in the sewing room if we want to get certain things done for Christmas. What have you got in mind for V?

    2. I'm not sure if I'm going to make if for V or for Karl (one for each if I have the time??) but I'm planning on a brocade vest. Karl (12) has recently become enamored of bow ties and he would look so sharp in a vest. And I found some lovely brocade in the stash- but I have no earthly idea where it came from- it's a remnant from someone else's project but I can't think of who... People give me the strangest things....

  2. Christmas decor going up already?
    Besides the snow, of course :)

    1. CR - Yup, we usually put up our tree the weekend of Thanksgiving . . . but with my "time off" it won't get done this weekend. We don't even have the tree yet. But our snow (3+ more inches overnight last night!) is sure putting me in the holiday mood. (I have Christmas music on the stereo as we speak.) Hope to get the Thanksgiving decorations down and the Christmas ones up sometime this week. Yippee!

  3. Replies
    1. blog owner - Welcome and thanks for commenting! And thanks for your compliment, too.

  4. Replies
    1. Stephanie - I'm really pleased with the way it came out, too!

  5. Simply Scaife Family - Thank you very much!

  6. Gorgeous! Would gleefully hang such a holiday work of art. Well done!

  7. Replies
    1. Susan - Well, it was surprising to me since the first Christmas wall hanging I attempted wasn't fit for the (grand)dog's bed!

  8. Gosh,I did not think I'd make it over here to say "Happy Thanksgiving"Don't think I did yer.That's how far gone I am!Do you really think its safe to hang a RED Christmas wall hanging up,I do live right here in MN ya know?Well ,I won't be held responsible for my actions than,Hey ,is that a spider on the wall? Don't turn your back for a min---lol

    1. judy - I don't see the spider on the wall but I know darned good and well if I looked in the corners up by the ceiling I'd be likely to find spider webs! Happy belated Thanksgiving to you, too, m'dear.

  9. Very pretty! I have GOT to get quilting SOON! I have 4 separate projects I want to do but haven't had the time to even firm up a pattern/design yet!
