Friday, April 17, 2009

When Quilting Rooms Are Neglected

This calls for immediate action. I'm going to go grab a big glass of iced tea (no, it's not 'iced tea weather' yet . . . it's just my drink of choice year 'round) . . .

I'm going to go grab a big glass of iced tea (maybe with just a wee schmawk of Amaretto in it) . . .

I'm going to go grab a big glass of iced tea right now and quickly bring my quilt room back to some sense of decency.

Then I'm going to put a frozen pizza in the oven for dinner (quick and easy, very little clean-up) and then I'm going to spend tonight in my newly organized and cleaned quilt room working on the little 4" x 4" quilt blocks I'm making to hang as decoration on the pegs of the drying rack in the bathroom.

Sounds like a great Friday night to me.

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