Thursday, April 16, 2009

There's Life Out There!

I have no shame. I'm blatantly copying my daughter's blog post of this past Wednesday when she showed pictures of lovely, little, green shoots she discovered in her search for signs of spring. This morning, I grabbed my mud boots, jacket and camera and roamed our yard. Darned if I didn't find more signs of life emerging than I thought I would.

Pansies. Ya can't beat 'em. This little guy is a volunteer from last year and already looks like he's ready for anything.

A trifle beat-up looking yet but this day lily knows spring is truly coming.

My sturdy Leopard's Bane produces the very first blooms I see each year. Deep yellow, daisy-like flowers.

These tender, pale delphinium shoots need sun, more sun, please.

Good, old, reliable chives. Nothing tastes better in spring than fresh cut chives in homemade cottage cheese.

Besides strolling the acreage taking pictures today, I actually did some physical labor, too. For a couple of days now Roy's been working on our cords of maple firewood in the back wood cutting area, and it was time (past time) for me to start stacking the fruits of his labor in the wood shed.

Filling the wheelbarrow with some cut up wood to take to the wood shed.

Roy stacked the smaller diameter 8' length logs in the wood cutting cradle to make cutting more efficient. He's a happy guy. He says putting up wood is like putting money in the bank. (Maybe better than putting money in the bank these days.)

Although we've still got plenty of snow in evidence in plowed up piles, and parts of flat yard areas remain covered, there's a certain feel to the air now that signals new life is ready to burst forth. Bring it on, we're ready!

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