Sunday, June 23, 2024

Lotsa Garden Pictures

Papa Pea finished the huge job of mowing today.  Yes, we absolutely have to wear our bugshirts when doing ANYTHING outside.  I've said it before, but I'll say it again.  The biting bugs are horrendous this year.  Ugh.

I put eight full trays of mint in the dehydrator today.  That's the first cutting of mint for the season.

One of our peony bushes has a gazillion (okay, only half a gazillion) buds on it this year.

And look what I cut to bring in today.  (The blooms are FULL of ants!)

Checking out the strawberry patch, I found many plants with lots of developing berries on them.

And one beautiful berry that is already ripe.  The very first one always goes to my husband as strawberries are his most favorite fruit.

About every four years I lose my senses and try planting corn.  Again.  This isn't a good picture, but I got 100% germination on the four 12-foot rows planted.  Now if we have warm enough weather and the stalks don't get flattened by some of our crazy wind storms . . . 

I just hilled the potatoes up for the second time and they're lookin' good.

As with the corn, every few years I pretend I'm Ruth Stout and try planting a few potatoes under straw mulch.  So far, this method seems to be doing what it usually does for me.  Only half of the eyes  have popped up with sturdy green vines.

A week ago, I planted seeds for some mini pumpkins, little things only 3" across that I would like for fall decorations, next to each side of the garden trellis.  Seed packet says germination should take place in 7-14 days.  Nuttin' yet.  (The garden soil looks cracked and dry, but right beneath the surface it's quite moist as we've had many cool and wet days.  That could be slowing up the sprouting of the seeds, too.)

Shell peas are coming along.  Slowly.  (So are the rocks.  Always the rocks.)

The cabbages are growing great.  Both the green and red ones.
That's all for now.  More to come if all goes well.  Some sprouts are so small yet they're not ready for their close-ups!  

Monday, June 3, 2024

Asparagus Explosion

We had an inch of rain overnight and into this morning.  Apparently the asparagus patch loved it.

I was sure I was harvesting about twenty-five pounds of it, but when I brought it in the scale read only six and a half pounds.
A hefty harvest, for sure, even at that.
Fresh asparagus at our local co-op is currently selling for $6.99 a pound.  That makes today's bounty at our little homestead 'round about forty-five dollars.

We'll take it!