Sunday, January 7, 2024


The weather prediction was for us to get 4-6" of snow (Snow!?  What's that?) Thursday night to Friday morning.  Hubby said he thought we were really going to finally get our first, long-awaited snowfall of the season.  I've been tired of waiting for it and, having turned into a real bah-humbug, proclaimed it wouldn't happen.

What a pleasant surprise to see about 3" of (very, heavy, wet) snow yesterday morning.  It was beautiful with ground and trees coated.
The temperature read above 32° from the get-go and stayed at about 35° all day.  But for some reason, the snow didn't melt (as my continued bah-humbugging self insisted it would), and we felt almost giddy all day doing our various outside chores while trudging through the beautiful white stuff.

I snapped the above picture from our back entry at 4:30 this morning when I got up.  So, so glad to have the snow.  Especially since temperatures for this coming next week are supposed to plummet and folks were beginning to talk about frozen septic lines and such if we went into real winter temperatures without any ground cover.
Yep, happy, happy.  We love snow.  We missed having it for the holidays just past, but are pleased as punch to have it now.   


Rosalea said...


We also got a couple of inches yesterday and last night. 14F now..We have had some accumulating bits and bobs, so the ground has been white. This is icing on the cake! Longing for a real winter.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

We finally got a wee bit today. I do wish we had it over Christmas though. They are calling for some sort of weather going bizarre next week for us. I am hoping it misses us. I like the snow, but I like safe roads too.

Leigh said...

I never thought about snow as ground cover, but I can see how it is! Glad you're getting your snow. :)

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

The snow is beautiful. Wish we would get some at my place!

Michelle said...

Happy for you! Yes, it is much needed ground cover for habitats adapted to it. We don't NEED it, but might see some here by next weekend.

Goatldi said...

Happy dance for you and the other Peas!

We have been playing in the snow is it here yet? But so far just a tad at a higher elevation. Seems to be the luck of the draw this year. But still last year it didn't get going until February.

gz said...

The storms and snow will roll around to us in a week or so..but probably in Ayrshire we will just get cold, not snow like the uplands to the south and Highlands to the north of us.
Meanwhile the high pressure system over mainland Europe is keeping us cold and DRY!!! A relief

DFW said...

Yah for you!

Mama Pea said...

Rosalea - Yes, winter have apparently arrived as the snow we recently got has stayed and now we're forecast to have some cold (brrr!) weather. Time to snuggled in at home. :o)

Pioneer Woman at Heart - I know what you mean about the "nasty" side of winter. We're without ice here at home but a trip to town had me navigating icy sidewalk and parking lots. Ugh!

Leigh - Yes, in our northern states ground cover saves perennial plants and even trees in a harsh winter. Those of us with septic systems are especially vulnerable as far as the lines from the house to the tanks freezing if the frost goes deep enough. We've had winters when the deep cold came before snow and that meant laying bales of straw over the lines to keep them "warm."

Debby - For sure the white covering look so much better this time of year than the dead grass and bare trees!

Michelle - When you do get snow, it doesn't stay long, does it?

Goatldi - I guess most of us still have the chance of real winter weather for a couple/few months yet, right?

DFW - We'e enjoying the snow and even put the plow on the truck . . . finally!

gz - Seems none of us can really county on what the weather will bring us anymore!

Pedro Taylor ✅ said...
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