Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Earth Laughs In Flowers

This delightful quote attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson always brings a smile to my face.

I'm usually fairly adept at growing vegetables; flowers not so much.  Nevertheless, I love having flowers in our house and bring in whatever nature (with some amateur help from moi) allows me to grow.

The dianthus blooms have never been as beautiful and plentiful before.  (Ooops, yes, that is an empty wine bottle in the background.  This heat and humidity is causing both occupants of this house to drink.)

This variety of gladioli has been blooming for a couple of weeks now.  (Karen, the ones you sent me a couple/few years ago just yesterday showed a first blossom of the year.  Yay!)

My old standby cosmos (even I can reliably grow them) have been wildly prolific this year, especially this "Rubenza" variety.

The last couple of years the bush zinnias haven't produced well for me, and I almost didn't start them this year.  Now I'm glad I did as they are full of blossoms and a gazillion buds.  This small vase of them is on the back of our toilet.  (Aren't you glad I shared that info?)

If, indeed, the earth does laugh in flowers, I say bring 'em on.  We need the flowers and the laughs this year.


Susie said...

I loved seeing all your flowers. I wish I had some cosmos here. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Goatldi said...

Well done MP. A flower garden is on my list for next year. I will have to find a way to fence it off because let’s just say my dogs love a place for privacy so they have 2+ acres that’s open to them what do they do? Make use of one of my gardens for the cedar trees are that have a lilac bush and the mystery bulbs in them that we now know what they are thanks to Dee.

Michelle said...

So neat to see all your vases of flowers indoors! I have such a hard time CUTTING flowers to bring indoors; I want to see them when I'm outdoors, too. That's probably why I love my orchids; THEY are my indoor flowers. :-)

Mama Pea said...

Susie - Thank you! You should be able to grow cosmos easily in your area. You wouldn't even have to start them indoors, but rather just plant the seeds where you want them outdoors.

Goatldi - Yep, it is ain't the wild critters you're trying to fence out, it's the domestic ones! Bad, puppies, bad!

Michelle - I know there are many like you who enjoy the flowers more outside than in. Can't we have them both places? ;o)

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I enjoy so much seeing other peoples flowers. So pretty. Thanks for sharing.

The Wykeham Observer said...

I like those cosmos and gladioli. I forgot to plant my glad bulbs this year. Remind me of my grandparents who always had a lot. Phil

Mama Pea said...

Debby - You're welcome! I, too, really enjoy all the beautiful flowers different people grow. I keep saying someday I'm going to study and learn more about flowers and the proper way to grow them. Someday!

Phil - Oh, dear! Will the gladioli bulbs be okay come next year? I mean after being "in storage" until then?

Tigger's Mum said...

Bring it on you say. Hear hear. Love the colour of those gladies.

Mama Pea said...

Tigger - Aren't the colors of nature amazing?!

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

No flowers to cut and bring in here right now. Drought.

Faith said...

Can't wait to see what comes up in the punkin patch. I love them punkins. Would love to have the space to grow some. I laughed when you said neither you or your husband like zucchini, why do you grow he asked? You'll have room in your garden next year for something you do like.