Tuesday, December 27, 2016

After Christmas Catch-Up

Well, the predicted Christmas snowstorm did not materialize, at least for us in our area.  The threatened 1/4" of ice before the snow started never happened and the snow was only about 3-4" when all was said and done.  But heavy snow it was and I feel as though I may have shoveled about fourteen tons (maybe more) of it yesterday.  Even the snow plow on the front of our daughter's truck was taxed a bit while removing the snow from the driveway and yard areas.  We spent most of yesterday getting things outside cleared and back in shape.  The temperature hovered around 30° so it didn't feel bad at all being outside despite over-working a few muscles.

This morning our overnight low was 10° and it seems as though those more winter-like temps will be with us for the coming week.  Those twenty degrees from ten above to thirty above certainly do make a big difference in a human's comfort level while outside.

Papa Pea talked me out of doing my usual laundry chores yesterday (Monday) so that's what I've been up to today.  I had a couple of extra loads (who's making all the dirty clothes around here?) so it's taking me longer than usual to finish up the task.

I was planning on spending a couple of hours in my quilt room today, but it's after 4 p.m. already and being a morning person, my zip, get-up-and-go, energy and creativity really begin to dwindle by this time of the day.  My handwork may be just sitting and knitting on the couch tonight.

Speaking of being on the couch, after my snow shoveling yesterday and the snowshoe hike we took on Christmas Day, last night at 7 o'clock I literally fell asleep sitting up reading on the couch.  (I'm sure I was a fetching sight and hope I wasn't drooling.)  I knew it was a losing battle so gave up the ghost and was in bed by 8 p.m. and asleep by 8:05.  Some evenings are like that and ya just can't fight it.

I told my dear husband I wanted to take this week between Christmas and New Year's "off" to do some of the things I really enjoy like reading, watching a DVD or two, knitting, quilting, even taking an afternoon nap if I feel like it.  You'd think being at this stage of my life, I'd have as much time for such endeavors as I wanted, but it just doesn't seem to work out that way.  There are the regular, everyday (day after day) tasks that need tending to besides The List I always have running.

That list in front of me at this moment includes:

~ Make pie crusts for freezer
~ Sort recipe box
~ Bake bread
~ Give shower an in-depth cleaning
~ Organize storage shelvews in basement
~ Restock basics (soups, casseroles, etc.) in freezer
~ Fix plant hanger in bathroom
~ Clean/reorganize pantry
~ Send birthday card to G
~ Get back to Cousin J
~ Make/can applesauce
~ Make mayonnaise
~ Clear desk
~ Sort desk drawers
~ Order garden seeds
~ Split kindling

Truth be told, as I start doing some of these things (and I really do have to start . . . I've heard the best way to finish a project is to start), I know I'll discover just as many other things to add to The List.  Yep, it's never-ending, isn't it?

I don't really know how to avoid all the items I have on The List and gain days to fritter away on any of the personal things my little heart yearns to do.  None of the items on my list are things I hate to do or don't want to do to keep home and hearth running smoothly, but if I'm honest they are not ones that feed my soul.  I came across a quote recently that someone said when asked what success meant to her.  She replied, "To do something one is fulfilled and energized by."  Yes, yes, YES!

So . . . if I'm to actually take some time "off" in order to get fulfilled and energized, I guess I'd better get off my duff and get moving!


Goatldi said...

Gee Mama Pea I haven't ever seen a unproductive post from you. I have found it to be true to feed our souls somehow fuels the energy to complete (or at least make a dent in ) our to do list. In other words "all work and no play makes Jill a dull girl ".

Vera said...

Oh crikey! That list! I have one too, and it never seems to get any smaller, and I am the same as you in that if I don't sew, write, and be creative in the mornings then it doesn't happen at all as I also tend to dwindle away with energies as the day marches on.
It is nice to know that someone else also has trouble juggling the things they do in their lives!

Sue said...

Ah, the list. The list that NEVER gets done. Things get added the minute one item gets crossed off. I love "The List", and yet the list can tick me off as well.
We do the best we can. Sneak in some "ME" time and consider it a lovely life. It really is, isn't it?
A very very Happy New Year to you guys.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

I actually started laundry yesterday. It didn't make it to the clothesline, but made it to the drying rack. I never got my jelly canned for Christmas either, but I'm okay with that.

gld said...

We share some of the same
To Do items on your list. At my stage of life I quite often just do the absolutely necessary things and do what I want.....you should try it.

Mark said...

That is quite a to-do list! I suspect it's like mine, for everything that gets crossed off there is at least one more thing waiting to jump on.

I was hoping for some "off" time in my almost two weeks away from the day job, but there won't be much. My goal for an "off day" is to not leave the property all day. I can be busy, but if I get to stay home it counts.

We did have one last Friday. Saturday and Sunday were family gatherings and Church happenings. We made a trip to the 'big city' (1 hour drive) Monday to gather with family that lives there, I made one yesterday for yet another medical test, we'll make another today to see a movie with a couple of our kids, Thursday it's off to Indy (3-1/2 hour drive)to pick up the granddaughters, who will keep Papa hopping until we bring them back on Saturday afternoon. Sunday after Church and Monday will be our "off days" and we'll need them. Tuesday it's back to the 'day job', also in the big city. Whew!!

All in all, though, it will be good break. Just not a quiet one.

Wild About Nature said...

Jeez ~ I'm glad I don't make lists! Mental ones, yes. But hey, I do know when I have things I need to get back at.....like my blog, even! :)

Mama Pea said...

Goatldi - There is real truth to what you say. We can only keep up energy to work, work, work if we have some sort of a break from it now and then!

Mama Pea said...

Vera - Misery loves company? ;o) Let's form a support group. Oh, wait! Is that something that would fulfill and energize me? Geesh, so many decisions!

Mama Pea said...

Sue - Yes, my ever-optimistic mentor! It IS a lovely life we have. :o]

Mama Pea said...

Kristina - You, my friend, have a bona fide, good excuse for not getting ANYTHING done in the past month and maybe a few more weeks into the future. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! (Yes, I am yelling at you.)

Mama Pea said...

Glenda - With your continued encouragement, maybe I can learn to do just that!!!

Mama Pea said...

Mark - Okay, I'm totally exhausted after reading of your upcoming week and planned activities! Aren't you supposed to be still taking it easy??

Mama Pea said...

Sandy - With my weak mind, if I don't write it down, it gets forgotten. (Hey, maybe that's not such a bad thing . . . ) ;o)

Anonymous said...

I haven't taken Christmas down yet, promised the youngest I'd wait til after New Years Eve as she is having a hot cocoa get-together at our house. I had Monday off and planned to do housework, etc. but instead I spent most of it with my head on a clean pile of unfolded laundry watching documentaries on Netflix. Tis good to be lazy now and then. We've had a couple of frosty days but for the most part, it's been rain, mud and unhappy critters. Happy New Year to you and Papa Pea.

Kev Alviti said...

You're like me, there's no such thing as time off! Even when I think I'm not working my wife normally tells me I am!

Michelle said...

I have along list of things to do. I need to quit looking at it and just do it. Starting is the hard part, but I feel so good when it,s done.

Mama Pea said...

Ruth - I don't take our decorations or tree down until after New Year's usually. So I don't even have that on my list yet! As hard as you work, outside the home and then at home, you NEED to spend some time with your head resting in the laundry basket! ;o} At least the laundry was clean!!

Mama Pea said...

Kev - I think the "there's always something to do" dilemma comes with our way of life, don't you? But it's what we've all chosen and wouldn't change for anything.

Mama Pea said...

Michelle - Isn't that the truth! You always feel soooo good when you accomplish a good deal.

SmartAlex said...

I had a four day weekend for Christmas and felt "guilty" when I sat down to read a book and I didn't get any naps... The menial household tasks will take up all your time if you let them.

Mama Pea said...

SmartAlex - Ain't that the pits??! Those dang menial household tasks can be all-consuming. Okay, certain ones of them just must be done every day, but if it's not one that you only do once a week, it's another one so there are always, always, always more to do in a day's time than seem right. Maybe we should write a book on "How to Control Your Menial Tasks." You start, okay? ;o}

Sandy Livesay said...

Mama Pea,

Like you, I always have a to do list. I say when it's extremely cold out go enjoy time for yourself in your quilt room. Then when temperatures warm a bit, start one of the tasks on your list. Who says everything has to get done now anyway?
Hugs, and love sent your way.

Mama Pea said...

Sandy - Okay, now you've got me wishing for frigid weather! Somehow, that just doesn't seem right. ;o) Everything on The List doesn't have to get done now. And you can bet your sweet bippy (remember the TV show "Laugh In" or are you too young?) it won't!!

Leigh said...

I have a "The List" too, but somehow it always manages to be misplaced. "Freudian" slips? LOL. I like the idea of taking a week off between the holidays.

Being a morning person myself, I can relate to 4 p.m. being late to make a start on anything creative. Mornings really are the freshest time, aren't they?

Mama Pea said...

Leigh - I tend to have more than one list going so if I lose one, there's always another listing plenty of things to keep me busy!

Not only are mornings the freshest time, but the time when I have the most pep and energy!