Wednesday, May 7, 2014

"OMG, Mom, You Really Look Your Age Tonight!"

That may have been the most backhanded compliment I will ever receive.  It was uttered by my dear daughter a few nights ago when she stopped in on her way home from work to see if I was still alive how I was.  She took one look at me and said she knew I was really sick because I looked every one of my seven decades (plus one year) of age.

Yep, I was felled (more like pole axed) by one of the super-nasty, ugly-bugly germs (or maybe a whole army of them) that have been laying young and old flat out in our neck of the woods.  (And in many of your areas, too, I know.)  It hit me last Wednesday and today is the first day I've felt well enough to sit at my computer . . . which has been dull, dark and lonely for one whole week.

I now know what the expression "weak as a kitten" means.  I also know that I am going to have to be very careful not to overdo it as I work at building myself up again after this illness.  I do not like being so out of it that I barely remember some things that transpired.  I do not want to go there again.

So as behind as I feel at this critical time of year, I'll get done what I can when I can and hope for the best.  Our snow (except for in the woods, of course) is gone.  Papa Pea uncovered the garlic, rhubarb and herb beds for me today and the little green shoots are pushing forth with determination.

I really must get a new blog header photo up along with a more seasonally appropriate profile picture.  Although the current one showing me flat out in a prone position is only marginally less accurate than how I still currently feel.  But knowing the worst is over, I plan to rise again.  


Maybe tomorrow.

For more than several minutes at a time.


M.E. Masterson said...

Awww....feel better!

Carolyn said...

Was wondering what happened to you. Glad you're on the mend (you ARE on the mend, right???)
The garden chores can wait......your last frost date is the middle of July anyhow, isn't it???

LindaCO said...

Sorry to hear you've been down and glad to hear you're doing better. Easy does it! :-)

Sparkless said...

Sorry to hear you've been so unwell but glad you're on the mend now. Nothing worse than getting one of those nasty bugs that take forever to get rid of. Here's to a quick recovery.

Sandy Livesay said...

Mama Pea,

I'm happy to hear your feeling better. Take it slow sweetie, you have plenty of time to get outside and work on your garden.

Sue said...

So sorry to hear you've been sick!
Hope you're back up to par soon!!

tpals said...

I didn't know such a nasty bug was going around. Glad you are recovering and definitely take it slow and easy. The last thing we want is a relapse!

Susan said...

Sounds like an AWFUL bug! I'm glad you are taking it easy and building yourself back up. You sure don't want to repeat the process, right? And it's a good thing you love your Baby Pea...

Kelly said...

Hope you feel better soon. The garden will wait :))))

Wild About Nature said...

Hope you're feeling much better really fast. Spring might be coming........ :)

Tombstone Livestock said...

Hope you are feeling better, must be a Minnesota bug, haven't heard anything dire here. Have had a cool down and a little more rain, but too late to save the pastures.

odiie said...

Sorry to hear that you caught one of those "bugs". There are quite a few going around in my neck of the woods, too. Time to rest and build your strength up for those beautiful gardening days to come.

Mama Pea said...

Hey, Y'All - Thanks so much for the get well wishes. I actually slept in my own bed last night for the first time in a week! Might have been a mistake though because even though I slept well, hubby didn't. Guess he got out of the habit of sharing the space. I'm really taking it easy these first few days I'm able to be up, but sure am eager to get back in a normal routine. Thanks again for thinking of me. I've missed you all.

Anonymous said...

I knew something must have been "up"'s not like you to be MIA for that long unless you are busy planting or tending your garden. I am so sorry you have been sick hun. Take it slow and steady, everything will be there down the road. Hope you feel better soon!

Lisa said...

Somehow I had missed this post until today.... all these blog years I've 'known' you, you are hardly ever, never, sick. So, please be kind to yourself, and give yourself the permission to take 'time off' to combat these nasty germs!!!