Okay, it's not quite as bad as that, but here's a quick overview this morning:
At 5:30 a.m., we had 29 degrees.
There was 1/4" of solid ice on the chicken waterer.
The high for today is forecast to be 47 degrees.
There is rain predicted for each of the next four days. (I guess the upside is that it is rain, not snow!) Memorial Day Weekend picnics can be held inside, right?
Last year on this very date, our apple trees were in full blossom. We should be very grateful for our cool, slow spring this year since had the trees had been in blossom this year, we would have lost all hope of any apples because of the drastically low temps last night.
Our usual onslaught of late spring/early summer biting insects haven't even had a chance to appear yet. See? There is good in every situation!
A Dusk Meeting
22 hours ago
Brrr... and here I was just complaining about the low 40's overnight for the last two nights. I hope it warms up and dries out for all of us.
Here in tropical Pine County we have the cold (though not quite so cold as you) AND the mosquitoes! I've heard predictions for a cooler than normal summer. I don't mind a little cool, but I'd like to not have to worry about frost in July again!
Brrr! I won't complain about my cool mid central Minnesota weather since you guys are freezing up there :) But yes, I am totally enjoying the No Bug scenario. Hopefully the skeeters stay away at the cabin this wkd too!
Yep. It's cool, but we get mosquitoes with our cool. How'd you luck out? We also have an abundance of barn swallows so that, in the evening, it looks like a scene from "The Birds".
Judy - Yupper, our temperatures are all relative, aren't they? 29 degrees in January would feel like a heat wave! Your low of 40s seems like a nice cozy temp!
Deb - Welcome and thanks for commenting! We Minnesotans know frost in July is not an impossibility but after this spring, let's hope we get SOME warmth this summer. I, too, have heard it's gonna be a cool summer. Oh well, we know where are flannel shirts and long underwear are, don't we.
ArtsyNina - Summer without skeeters and/or black flies or no-seeums . . . wouldn't that be heaven?
odiie - ((Shudder!)) Please don't send your mosquitoes north! Gotta loooove those barn swallows!
ArtsyNina - To heck with the Rhubarb Cream Pie. Your marmalade looks WONDERFUL!!
Ugh, I heard! I was streaming the radio as I got ready to go to a squadron picnic and I was feeling pretty guilty... I'm packing sunscreen and bug spray right now... I promise you will be here in spirit, I'll have a hot dog and a glass of keg brew for you today!
I think you picked a GREAT year to limit your gardening! Although the rain probably isn't helping your renovation plans any. We have rain here, too, for the next few days. I'm glad my 'weekend' was Tues/Weds this week. I hate going to work when it's sunny and 65. I hope your strawberries aren't suffering in the cold!
Erin - Oh gosh, that keg brew sounds reeeeally good right now! Cheers!
Jo - I was so, so glad my strawberries haven't blossomed yet! Otherwise, I fear damage would have been done last night. :o(
Memorial day BONFIRE???
Seriously, we need to get a word in to whoever is in charge to warm things up a tad before I head up there in a month!!! Brrr!
Maybe the cold long spring will kill off all those nasty bugs. Just trying to look on the good side of things too.
We have rain in the forecast for the next five days too and it's been very cool at night, not frost, but still.
I guess this is one spring for the books.
I give you a lot of credit. How you are able to take that weather is beyond me. Now I could never move south because I like the 4 seasons, but you are really getting shorted your warm weather months up there. And doesn't your tourist season kick off soon? 29 degrees can't be good for business.
Jen - If our weather hasn't warmed up a month from now, I think we'll all be in big trouble!
Sparkless - We can only hope this cold weather will do something really bad to the bug population. That would make it almost worth it!
Jane - Yep, Memorial Day Weekend is the official start of the tourist season . . . and they are here! They look a bit chilly around the edges, but they are here. :o}
Wow, you are right. Too strange for you to still be so cold when we are experiencing such warm weather. Wish I could send you some strawberries for a sweet taste of spring.
Lorie - And wouldn't those strawberries taste SO SWEET right about now!!
Your marmalade looks WONDERFUL!
Silver MLM
Carolyn - Thanks for the compliment but I think you got your (blog) wires crossed! :o} It was over at The Adventures of ArtsyNina where you saw her wonderful rhubarb orange marmalade! It really did look good, didn't it? (http://www.artsynina/blogspot.com/)
It's hard to imagine it's almost June-we had 27 degrees. I've worn flannel shirts the past two days. And you know what? I'm loving it! Good working weather. And the only warm weather crops I'm waiting on to plant are the tomatoes and peppers so it's okay with me.
Have a great holiday weekend! I'll be out planting in the rain.
Sue - Papa Pea had made the switch from flannel and wool shirts to summer cotton ones but the last two days he, too, has gone back to flannel. It IS great weather (well, when it's not actually raining) for working outside. We've commented on that more than once this spring . . . and are grateful for it. I read Erin's blog and melt a little just imagining that heat and humidity. How she manages to grow all she does is amazing with those temps all summer. Plus with her sandy soil I don't know how she keeps things watered enough. See? Even if we get a few snow flakes on July 4th (has happened!), it could be worse!
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