It was mostly an outside day for us on our little homestead. I finished completely mulching the strawberry patch using grass clippings the man pushing the lawn mower made for me.
The raspberries got tied back up to their trellises to keep them from bending over onto the ground as they grow taller and taller and bear all that heavy, luscious fruit.
I did some edging around the field garden with the tiller. That sod of ours is so thick and healthy that it would flow right into any worked up garden space like a wave of water if you didn't constantly keep at it.
There were enough clippings to mulch the permanent bed of comfrey and the Jerusalem artichokes.
I got started on tilling the perimeter and in between rows of the raspberries but there's still much to finish tomorrow if the predicted rain holds off.

We had guesstimated Mother Goose would be hatching out her eggs sometime around the 19th of this month but so far no little goslings in evidence. And she's still patiently sitting.

Speaking of food, we had another little cookout on the deck for dinner tonight. Hamburgers made over the wood fire this time. When hubby tried to flip the burgers halfway through cooking, the rickety old metal rack we were using collapsed. Fortunately, we were able to save both burgers (whew!) but it was kinda frantic for a few minutes there.

Walnut Clusters. He's convinced himself that they qualify as a healthy treat because they're just about all walnuts. And everyone knows nuts are good for you!
I'm planning on being outside again tomorrow . . . if the weather cooperates. I don't put a lot of faith in the forecasters but IF they are correct this time, looks like we'll be having rain through next Tuesday.
At first I thought all the cookies were hamburgers! Gee you musta been hungry!
Glad you had a wonderful day and hopefully it holds!
We had some yummy veggie burgers for supper tonight, after the Irishman finished planting the sweet potatoes and mowing (just ahead of the rain that5 still hasn't come)
I made the hamburger buns too, and they were a delight. And easy!
I am seeing a lot of buigs doiwn here--a LOT for this early. Dang...the little critters are all over my computer screen (I had the doors open today) was high 70's here...
Oh yum! Rhubarb pie! I made rhubarb muffins. I can't make a pie crust so haven't attempted a pie yet. I think I'll buy a pie crust just cause I want rhubarb pie now and I have a ton of rhubarb.
Those cookies do count as healthy if they have walnuts. I'd say you could eat about 5 or 6. ;)
You're moving right along with that outdoor work. Hope your weather keeps on cooperating!
Like APG-I thought those cookies were burgers at first. All I could think was-mini burgers-how cute! I'm a little slow........
Wow! That is RED rhubarb! Mine is huge, but not the red variety. I don't know what variety it is, but it's thriving. Isn't it wonderful when you can spend the whole day outside - and get so much done. Still waiting for a nice day here, but I've got plenty planned for it when it happens. Just better be on a weekend!
So glad you had a good day. My rhubarb only grew three stalks so I didnt cut any. How many stalks were on your plants. I am very confused because I though rhubarb was one of the plants that grew abundantly.
I'm not sure where to start-your not suppose to make me so hungry this early in the morning--lets see--should I have those Little cookies first or the pie--GLAD YOU GOT A LOT DONE YESTERDAY-AT LEAST SOMEONE DID
So very glad you got some sun!!! We seem to be getting some of that elusive stuff too today. It sure is welcome after a week or better of solid rain:) Do you have a recipe for the pie? I need to make a strawberry rhubarb for one of the guys I work with, as a thank you for his help, and I have never made it.
Have a fabulous weekend!
You mean there is actually a rhubarb variety called strawberry rhubarb? I didn't know that. Your pie looks absoltuely yummy. My rhubarbs aren't doing so well. We have rain predicted for every day, but it's been dry for 3 weeks.
Nice to see that you are "not gardening this year" LOL!!! Seriously though, I know you have your hands full just with the perennials and fruit. Enjoy these beautiful, bug free days! We are headed in to the heat starting Monday supposedly, so now who's jealous? I'll be looking forward to every cool lake breeze sun filled photo you post!
I have mostly cloudy skies with scattered sun!!! I don't mind this at all as there is no SNOW ... now the temperature just needs to catch up to the time of year. The nights still get below freezing, so it's hard to plant anything and I'm beginning to wonder if we will even have a garden this year.
I had the same thought as a lot of the ladies - tiny hamburgers ... LOL. I'm not fond of walnuts, but I will go along with the cookies being a healthy food - nuts have lots of good things that the body needs.
APG - I shouldn't have baked hamburger-looking cookies yesterday!
Akannie - At least I hope your bugs are the biting kind yet!
Sparkless - Please don't encourage my husband. He's been going through these cookies faster than I can bake them!
Sue - Nope, you're not slow, I just have to be careful the food I talk about and the pictures I include!
Susan - My nice weather has ended! Rain today, but believe it or not, we did need it.
Jane - If it wasn't raining, I go out to take a picture of my rhubarb plant to send to you. It's huge, a lovely, full mound but the stalks just aren't very long yet. How old is your plant? Mine's about 13-14 years old.
judy - Still have cookies and some pie left . . . :o}
Stephanie - My rhubarb pie recipe is very simple. A heaping quart of diced rhubarb (probably about 5 cups). Mix in bowl with 1 cup sugar, a dash of salt and 1/3 cup flour. Put in pie shell, add top crust, bake at 425 for 15 minutes, then 350 for 45 minutes. That's it!
Leigh - Yup, it's strawberry rhubarb and it's very red! Rhubarb does like lotsa water so that may be your problem. :o{
P.S. I also give it a good dose of composted fertilizer each fall.
Erin - I know! It is amazing how much stuff there is to do in the garden besides planting seeds and growing those crops each year!
Yvette - You're like my daughter. She HATES walnuts and tries to get me to substitute pecans in any recipe that calls for walnuts. I can't seem to convince her that it's not the same! Sometimes you just need the walnut flavor.
I'm finally getting around to some blog reading. That looks like one awesome pie! It does look like a cherry pie. What pretty rhubarb that must be. I was thinking that today might not be rainy, but it looks like it's coming. Guess I'll have to stay in and fold laundry. Have a great day!
Your pie looks delicious. I've managed to kill all of the rhubarb that I've had. Just have a knack for it. We did get our first asparagus of the season last night. I love asparagus. Our apple trees aren't blooming yet, but there are a few flowering crabs opening up in town.
Patty - Thinking of you having to cover some of your set out plants tonight. Sure hope it doesn't freeze as they're predicting!
odiie - Mmmm, asparagus! I've planted it twice and never had luck getting it to grow. Third time should be a charm, right?
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