No snow left on any of the actual garden growing areas now. There's still a big pile up against the north side of the house and . . .

Today was a gorgeous day and I puttered outside for a while, walked around and made mental notes of the clean-up to be done out there after the winter season. There sure is plenty to do.
We have to wait a lot longer than most people for spring, but even after staring at others' pictures of spring growth for what seems like FOREVER, it's no less thrilling when those chives pop out, isn't it?
We JUST got rid of our last bit of snow yesterday---every time I walked by the pile, I'd stomp through it just to make sure it was dead!
Though, they're calling for snow this weekend. Ugh. But, it won't stick around. And we have fresh chives!!! Life is good!
I have to give you tons of credit. It must be difficult to wait so long for a sign of spring. Glad it finally came.
Good gravy, you people earn your Spring! It's snowing this morning here; probably we'll get 3" of the wet stuff. The kind of snow that I look at and say, "Cool, I don't have to water the garden for a few days!"
Still going to not garden much this year? I'm late to that party, but I thought that was a really mature decision :-) given the other demands on your time, and I don't know if I would have been so good at making it.
Oh, I bet it is such a good feeling to finally see the snow recede. I am overwhelmed by all the work that needs to be done, but that happens every spring. We are getting a ton of rain lately and that just brings out those wicked weeds. When is your last frost date there?
i made a comment to my sister [ who lives in brained ] stopped by yesterday on there way west to Seattle than cal. that i wish i was going with [ but i rarely leave the house. i showed her your site and the beautiful views up there. said i wouldn't mind living up there. away from it all. you have to consider yourself lucky,I'm sure you do.i like to read all the comments too. i feel like i know people everywhere. ha.ha, know i do!
Mo-o-om! You jinxed it!!! 13 degrees this morning and "snow accumulation" due tomorrow night!
I am so glad you are seeing signs of spring there and CHIVES! I admit I was worried yesterday since it seems I can set my clock to your daily posts, thought maybe you got lost on another trip to the home improvement store LOL. I see you were just enjoying spring instead, you deserve it!
Sue - Good laugh thinking of you brutalizing that pile of snow every time you walked by it!
Jane - When our spring truly does arrive, it usually last about one week and then we go right into summer time temps!
LindaCO - Thanks so much for saying I made a mature decision about the garden. I'm not sure I had a choice. My hubby had to threaten tethering me to a rope not long enough to get into the garden to get me to agree not to garden. But I know I wouldn't have been able to handle everything this summer, so even though I'm still fondling seeds and weeping, it was the best decision.
Lorie - Our last frost date? Believe it or not, we've seen frost in every single month of the year up here! But as far as a "normal" last frost date, sometime in May. We truly do seem to be experiencing a warming trend these past few years and it's been the first part of May, but no one would be surprised to see killing frost right up until June 1st. Yes, we do have a short season!
judy - Blogging is a great way to "get to know" people in different areas of our country, isn't it?
Chickie Mama - I know. Sigh. I was yammering on yesterday to your dad about how gorgeous the day was, we ate lunch on the deck, the air felt so good, yada, yada. Then he asked me if I'd looked at the long term forecast. I hadn't, but after he told me of what's coming I decided I probably DID jinx it. Sorry. :o{ A little chilly this morning, isn't it?
Erin - Well, we did have to spend the day in the big city Tuesday for two appointments so yesterday I did have a bit of trouble getting back on schedule here at home. It was a very "not usual" day for me and I had trouble finding my rhythm. (A-one and a-two . . )
yes "momma pea" it gives me something to look forward to --and evan tho i love my family.couldn't live without them, it gets me away from cleaning around the "toilet 10 times a day because i live with only male species and i swear they forgot I'm mom or gamma not "THE MAID lol judy
Even though I know how you feel about the "M" word, isn't it such a relief to see anything other than white! My chives really got their oomph on and shot up two inches in a day! I am seeing my sorrel and garlic coming up. I lurve green.
That's good. It's about time that spring came to you. We ate some our our chives from the garden last night in a salad. I love chives! We even have a patch of garlic flavoured chives. I have no idea how they made them taste like garlic but they do.
And since it's spring now does that mean you'll be starting you monster renovation? I think I'd be wanting it to stay winter a bit longer if I were you.
judy - Sounds like a training session on hitting the target is needed for your "boys!"
Susan - When I was tromping around outside doing one thing and another, I decided maybe the mud is actually better than the solid ice I was walking on all winter. (Did I say that?)
Sparkless - We haven't started wearing our tool belts 24/7 yet but we're getting close!
i think i should paint a bulleye>>>>>>>>>>> inside the toilet!.......:)
judy - Hey, if you think there is a chance it would work, I say go for it!
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