I brought them home and put them in a vase with some evergreen boughs and the six stems looked . . . pathetic. They just didn't create the colorful arrangement I had envisioned.
In the summer when I can grow flowers in the garden, I almost always have a bouquet or two in the house. But fresh flowers in the winter are expensive and I couldn't justify the cost of as many blooms as I needed to make a nice display. Oh, well. I decided to just enjoy my wimpy bouquet and look forward to the flowers of the summer months.
Our daughter stopped by the night I had gotten the flowers and they made the same unimpressive impression on her. Oh, well again.
So the next night when our daughter came to pick up her dogs, she entered with one hand behind her back. Guess what she presented to me? Yup. A whole big, lovely bunch of fresh flowers to add to my little arrangement.
I started to beat her up for spending money she doesn't have on the flowers but she quickly explained that she "got a really good deal" on them.
The gal who owns the floral shop in town is a friend of Chicken Mama's and also displays and sells her photographic greeting cards. When CM stopped in to deliver her assortment of Valentine cards to S, they were discussing that I had been in to purchase flowers. I don't know if they both felt sorry for me and my paltry bouquet or what, but I sure came out the winner, no doubt about it.

I spent the whole day again today in the quilt studio. It took me all day to get the wall hanging machine quilted. Tomorrow I'll get the binding on along with a hanging sleeve and it will be done and ready to go to Chicken Mama's office.
Another really good day spent quilting but now I'm in serious need of a massage for sore neck and shoulder muscles. I've gotta learn to do machine quilting without tensing up so much!
They are beautiful! How nice of ChickenMama and S to do that for you!
You are one special lady!
What a beautiful bouquet it turned out to be. And very thoughtful gesture indeed.
What a bright spot of color-so thoughtful of Chicken Mama!
And I can see you are getting YOU time in--good deal!
And the word verification is licuorr---hahahaha! Spelled wrong,but maybe it's giving me a hint!LOL!!
Such a special moment that you'll always remember anytime you look at carnations. Sweet!
Needing a massage? Flowers? Papa Pea, where are you. Valentine day is coming , but I think an early massage is in order. And a box of candy won't hurt either.
How nice to have such a beautiful arrangement in the middle of winter! You have a very thoughtful daughter (and friend). I am so proud of you ;o) for sticking with your quilting getaway! Looking forward to seeing the finished product!
That's a nice bouquet! Yes, flowers are crazy expensive, as is everything fresh in the winter isn't it? A massage sounds great! But a hot bath does the trick for me! One of the hobbies I'd like to try is quilting...I already sew, I just have to get organized! :)
very thoughtful of her! I can't wait to have my own fresh cut ones again. I'm the same way with spending money on flowers, hubby knows he'd be in hot water if he brought home roses for Valentine's Day! I'd much rather have a myriad of other things for the same money. Wow, I know what you mean about being sore now - I tried really hard to use good posture but my back is aching from quilting yesterday all day!
The seemingly "little" gestures are the ones that mean the most, aren't they? Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady!
Such lovely ladies are CM and S!! And .. such a lovely bouquet too; it can't do anything but make you smile, a really big smile.
The flowers are just beautiful.And your daughter is a sweetheart,bless her for being so good to her mama. Have a great day! Blessings jane
The flowers are just beautiful.And your daughter is a sweetheart,bless her for being so good to her mama. Have a great day! Blessings jane
I LOVE flowers! Nice that you can have some inside during this cold spell. Sort of brings a bit of spring to you.
APG - It certainly was super nice! And I was very touched.
meemsnyc - I'm really enjoying the bouquet.
Sue - Licuorr, eh? That's definitely a sign that you need to go for!
tami - You're right, I will always think of these particular vase of flowers whenever I see carnations.
Jane - Shame on you! Candy? No, no, no! You're such a teasing temptress!
Susan - I DID stick to my three-day quilting retreat. Hope to get a little post up yet tonight.
Rain - Quilting should come easy for you since you have a background in sewing. I know it helped me a lot.
Erin - We got to learn how to RELAX when doing these things we do for fun and pleasure!! (What's wrong with this picture?)
Ruth - Aw, garsh!! You make me blush! The bouquet of flowers would win a beauty contest long before I would!!
Yvette - Don't know when I've enjoyed flowers more. :o)
Jane2 - My daughter is a sweetie. She's always been extremely generous and thoughtful.
Lori - And it is getting cold again. The temp is dropping fast tonight and hubby says we're in for a cold week.
Fresh flowers are always such a nice pick-me-up. That's a gorgeous bouquet.
Jen - And these are staying especially fresh and nice looking.
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