I may be wrong but I have a feeling there won't be much time for blogging in the next few days. All those things I was sure I would have done about a week ago and all those things I couldn't really do until the last minute are coming crashing down upon my head.
But it's all good. That long, slow winter is coming, right?
The house looks as festive and colorful as it ever does and there is one good smell or another coming from the kitchen most days.
We're coming up on dinner time right now and Papa Pea up in his office just hollered down that the Caramel Corn I'm making (yes, still) smells pretty darn good. He worked up an appetite by snow shoveling and plowing (thank you, dear daughter, for the use of your truck and plow) all day. We all know snow shoveling is hard work but unless you've spent time plowing with a truck and blade you might not know how physically taxing that is!
All in all, I'm guessing we got between 6-8" of snowfall yesterday. Thankfully the temp hasn't gone higher than about 27 degrees today so none of it is melting. Sure is purdy out there as it was a wet snow and most all branches and bushes are still sporting a heavy layer of snow. The only bad (read: treacherous to life and limb -- mostly limb) thing is that we have that blasted layer of heavy ice underneath everything. It's even made it difficult for the plow trucks to get adequate traction when pushing snow. Just gotta be cautious out there.
Hoping your last few days before Christmas are going smoothly. It's sometimes hard, but try to take care of yourself so you can enjoy the Big Day.
Happy Holidays!
A Dusk Meeting
21 hours ago
Stay safe, and have a blessed Christmas Mama Pea (and Papa Pea!)
I suspect you're correct about not much blogging going on for a couple of days. Do stay safe and warm, and have a very merry Christmas!
Have a wonderful Christmas MamaPea! Stop eating the carmel corn...it's time.
Stephanie - The same to you and your family!
Leigh - Best wishes for a warm and wonderful holiday season to you and your family!
APG - You wouldn't have believed the restraint I mustered! I made three more double batches today and didn't have so much as a kernel. The secret is in never starting!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Have a wonderful Christmas with your family - looking forward to "seeing" you again in the new year!!
Merry Christmas to you, Mama Pea, and enjoy all that snow!!
Jen, Mama Tea and Everyone - Didn't mean to say I was going to disappear until the first of the New Year, but posts will probably not be as regular. All of us are occupied with much going on that's different than our regular routine! Enjoy!
Have a very Merry Christmas Mama Pea and family!
Felice Navidad, Mama & Papa Pea (does that make Chicken Mama the Baby Pea?) Have a wonderful, quiet, restful holiday. And a very healthy, happy New Year!
Merry Christmas to you!!
Jane, Susan, Linda - Thank you, Ladies, for your holiday wishes. Sending the best to you for a Merry Christmas weekend!
Merry Christmas! I'm going to have to take your word for the snow shoveling/plowing thing. We live in N. California, in the valley, and the only time we get snow is once every million years. And we already had it in the '90s, so we should be good for the rest of my life. I'm off to make Christmas Eve food stuff. Company coming today. Oh, better finish wrapping the boxes. And clean up.
I love your header picture! Happy Holidays to all of you!
Lori - No, I guess you shouldn't have to worry about snow removal! Much easier traveling for the holidays in your neck of the woods! Merry Christmas to you.
Patty - The header pic is one that Chicken Mama took. I thank you for her! Merry Christmas!
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