We stayed long enough to visit with some people there and partake of some luscious carrot cake.
Then we traveled on to do some other errands in and around town before returning home. I made us a little (accent on little) lunch, GOT MY CAMERA, and went back into town so I could get some pictures. I just had to do it.
The first Saturday in December is traditionally a day that several different groups in the community hold Christmas sales. It was a very nice day for being out and about. We had huge, light snowflakes all morning and a temperature in the high 20s so it was pleasant being out. Well, except for the slipperiness of the side streets. We're still dealing with the fallout from the rain we got that then froze, and the new fluffy snow on top of that didn't do much to provide traction. We saw a couple of vehicles coming down slight inclines a little bit sideways.

Word around town seemed to be that none of the Christmas sales did a fantastic business. People were looking and oohing and aahing, but there wasn't a lot of extra $$ being tossed around. Ouch. More signs of our increasingly difficult economic times. All in all though it was a very pleasant day and Chicken Mama was very touched and pleased with all the people who made time to stop in to see her.
The wall hannging looked great. Looks like you all had a great day.
Everything looked great. You never know, some of those who look come back to buy. Here is hoping.
If they are anything like me, they will mull it over a bit and then be back! Let's hope for that!
Glad you scooted back for some photos!
Everything looks great! I would love to someday drive up and see the place!
I'm with The Apple Pie Gal...I always have to look...and look...and look...and then I come back to buy.
Val - I'm thinking CM must be comatose this morning. I'm exhausted from just the little bit of participation I had.
Jane - Yes, it was the first time getting most people into her gallery so I think you're right. People will come back.
APG - You and me both, girlie. I'm not an impulse buyer. Gotta go home and think about it first.
Mama Tea - Look and ponder and then go back to buy. I think I'd still be the same way even if I had unlimited funds!
Very nice gallery. The good thing is that now people know where she is and will be back. ... and they will tell their friends ... and they will tell their friends ... and ... enough already!!
Hugs to both you and Chicken Mama!!
Beautiful things! I had to chuckle when you said people scooted out of the way for your camera - although your people were just doing it to be courteous, my family will run away or hide my camera when I get home for Christmas - since it's a well known fact that I'm a blogger AND I just happen to have a fondness for dysfuncionality and always try to capture it LOL!
I bet she is TIRED! Sorry to hear about the lack of funds exchanging hands around town, but I sure can relate. We could have forgone a vacation this year but instead decided our family needed it but it will be done smartly this year, by buying groceries and cooking in the rental house instead of throwing money at restaurants every night - it was either that or not at all so I think it was a nice compromise. Not the ideal climate for starting a business, but I keep thinking things will pick up greatly for her once tourist season arrives again, when there are plenty of people roaming the streets.
Thanks, Yvette! Yep, I think you're right . . . now that people know she is there, they will be back. And it will actually be more comfortable to shop when they are the only one in the gallery.
Erin - You're going to love staying in your little rental house. And if you keep your meals simple, it will be fun for all of you to eat there, too. As soon as we get another good snow, I want to take pictures of it for you so you'll recognize it in the winter!!
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