I do have to admit that the two cookies look a lot alike.

In checking back, I find that I have posted the recipes for both these cookies previously. Therefore, if you're so inclined, you can click here to find the Walnut Cluster recipe, and here to find the one for Molasses Apple Cookies.
I'll close this post tonight with love and a wish for happy cookie baking from . . .

Geez...if throwing a tantrum is that effective, I wonder what she's going to ask for next???
You are such a good mom.(I knew you were going to bake those cookies right from the start!!)
What a great photo of you! The girl looks happy now :)
Love it!!
Now that you have everyone on a sugar high, you could ask for favors. "Honey could you.........." Who can say no on a full stomach of Mama love.
Thank you, once again, for not one but TWO wonderful recipes. The picture is great - you must have been a child bride....
Jen - There IS a limit to what this mommy will do! (Besides that I don't think I've ever actually seen her throw a tantrum. :o) From the word go, she was raised to realize that kind of behavior was NOT tolerated.) Whoops, now that I think of it, I CAN remember one time. Chicken Mama, do you remember the time? It was when your cousin K was visiting and you were about 6-7 years old.
Sue - Nah, I'm not a good mom. I just like to bake. ;o)
Erin - She was never really UN-happy. She just wanted some cookies. :o) Great photo of me? Who actually likes photos of themselves??? Ugh.
Kelly - Thanks, faithful reader!
Jane - Golldarn! Good idea!
Susan - I WAS a child bride! Twenty shouldn't be classified as a child bride but I would have been a better wife and just plain better person if I had had more time to "be out in the world" and do some things before settling into marriage. But who wouldn't change things in their past when looking at it all with 20/20 hindsight?
Love the picture of you two!!
Beth - Thank you! My daughter has always been very photogenic. I'm not!
Excellent photo of the two of you. And all of those cookies certainly look yummy!
Thanks, Leigh! There are even some of each batch of cookies left. I hid them in the freezer.
See, you are such a good Mama...
No one ever really threw fits in our family either because even though Mom's cookies are the best, man that tiny half-pint could pack a smack! Mom muscles, must be a rule that once you pass that kid, you become super human.
APG - Super human . . . it's the only way we survive!
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