This weather is the kind of weather we get in March. The kind that washes away all the old snow. Did they get rain south of us? Noooooo. They got snow south of us. What the heck is wrong with this picture?

So, like, is this spring already? Did we miss winter? Why is it raining when it's supposed to be snowing?? Huh? HUH?
The weather is so weird that normal is abnormal. Or something like that. SOUTH of you got snow? How strange is that? We had frigid weather right up 'til now. Now it's raining and windy (my personal fav) and we are going to have thunder tomorrow and lots of rain. I long for the old, orderly seasons. Batten down yer hatches and pull on your gum boots, Mama Pea.
Oh, poor ice----no skating! Rats for you!!!
We've been in the 50's the past three days. I'm hanging Christmas stuff up in the rain, for cripes sake. I'm wondering if winter is showing up this year????? I'd say at least you HAD some snow, but it doesn't make it any better having it, then losing it. Rats for both of us!!!!
The problem with that type of weather pattern is, it gets cold again and snows. Then all that rain becomes hidden ice under the snow. Then you go for a little stroll outside and Plop! You hit a hidden patch and down you go. See some people would say we eat more in the winter to put warming fat on, but I say it is to add a layer to the butt so we have more protection from that stinking hidden ice.
You are right, that blasted rain is ruining everythiing! I've never heard of ice as "rotting" before, that made me giggle, but I'm so sorry about all that mess and hard work insulating the house gone! We just heard on the news that we are in for REALLY bad storms tomorrow morning, to the point that transportation may be hampered for school buses, etc... for thunderstorms! Strange indeed, but I believe it since we had a really hard frost yesterday, today was 70, and tomorrow it's supposed to drop back into the 30's by night - yo yo!
Oh no! That's pretty dangerours! All the more reason to build a fire and stay inside with some knitting or sewing.
Sorry to hear the weatherman is being such a putz!
The weather has been so strange, hasn't it? We had rain down here also, followed by a few inches of snow, and driving around today was like trying to dive on a (frozen) lake! I wish the seasons would go back to normal.
@ Jane - I'm with you - extra food to put padding on the butt to protect me from a fall!
Susan - Have you had any snow yet this year in your neck of the woods? Put on some Christmas music good and loud so you can't hear that wind howling!
Sue - Now at a little after 6 p.m., our temp has dropped to 29 degrees and it's trying to snow. Can you imagine what all our standing water is going to look like by morning? We won't have to worry about skating on the pond. We'll be able to do it anywhere out the door!
Jane - Boy, do I like your theory of adding a layer of fat to protect ourselves. I would like to state right here and now that I BE PROTECTED!
Erin - Don't want to make you feel bad, but your temperature fluctuations are just downright creepy! That can't be good for man nor beast. Nor for peas in the garden!
APG - If I could only find that weatherman, I'd give him what-for! Ya, sure, you betcha.
Mama Tea - What were you doing out in such dangerous driving conditions? (I know, sometimes it just can't be helped.) Be careful . . . and watch out for that other guy who might not be so careful!
Mama Pea, We're about 200 miles south of you maybe 250. I was driving home from the Twin Cities last evening in the rain and my daughter had said it was snowing at home so I kept waiting for the wet roads to get slippery. Finally about 10 miles south of us it instantly got slushy and snowy but the roads never did get slippery down here. SO weird!! We only got about 3 inches of the 5 - 7 they predicted. Just don't get mad at Dave Dahl -he's cut ROTFLOL!!
that was supposed to say CUTE LOL
Freedom - Seems to be the start of another winter when all the snow goes south of us. This is getting to be aggravating for snow lovers like us.
Cut. I mean cute. Right! ;o)
I know, this weather is CRAZY. We're getting heavy rain here too, even worse tomorrow. Luckily (I suppose) we barely had any snow, so we don't have the slushy situation you have. Just wet. I'm with you, I'd rather have snow this time of year.
What a mess!
On the other hand, for the purposes of creating the setting for my next book, it sounds like I could just write any old thing about the weather and still get it right :)
Kaytee - Yes, yes, yes. I mean it is December now after all! Bring on the snow.
Jen - I think you could definitely get by with making the weather any way you want it to be! Make it work for you. ;o)
Okay, bring on the Halleluiah Chorus - the wind is howlin'! I have discovered that the only thing worse than lying in bed wondering what the winds are tearing up, is sitting in my office an hour away, wondering what the winds are tearing up.
What is going on here? We've had terrific winds all afternoon, too! Our temp is at 22 but the wind chill must be around zero. IT IS COLD!! Hang on to your hat going home.
Oh, BLAST! Our plants are being wind-blown and shriveled by the cold with no winter insulation. I'm hoping everything makes it through alright.
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