And, oh-oh, mmm-mmm, it is good! I made it last night after dinner and as you can see, it took a serious hit before I could get the white frosting on it this morning.
I've always liked Apple Slices even better than apple pie. I think it's because of a childhood memory I have of them from a bakery my mom used to visit on special occasions. Those were the days when bakeries actually BAKED their goodies with REAL ingredients rather than ordering in the frozen (tasteless) dough from a food service company as many of them do now.
No, I'm not going to include the recipe here because the dough for the crust (all butter) has always been so dang near impossible to roll out that I would just end up getting hate mail from any of you who tried to make it. As much as I LOVE the Apple Slices, I think the hassle with the crust is why I don't make it any more often than I do. Well, that and the fact that I tend to eat about three-quarters of it myself. When my husband asks where it all went, I'm getting really good at feigning innocence and saying I have Absolutely. No. Idea. ;o)
You are such a tease!
I agree with APG! It looks to good.
This might be the best thing I've ever seen, seriously! I always wish there was more flaky "stuff" in apple pie, and apple crisp wasn't quite it either, but THIS - WOW!
I promise I won't send hate mail! I'll sign a waiver, swear an oath, whatever -- just please share the recipe!
I might send you hate mail, lol, only because that wouldn't fit on my "eat healthier" diet. Looks real good though.
Mama Pea, That's cruel! I demand you post the recipe, or at least point me in the right direction, or I'll...I'll...I'll UN-FOLLOW you!
You all are a bunch of hard, hard women! And only because I scare easily, I'm going now to my blog to post the Apple Slices recipe. :o) Follow me . . .
Yeah, it looks so good, I would like to try too! I want some now, I got the munchies.
What if you rolled it out on wax paper or some sort of silicone sheet - then you could just flip it and peel it off onto the cookie sheet. Right?
Just thinking out loud...no particular reason... (hmmm...)
And just because I can't think of anything to say about that scrumptious bit of pastry, I'll just say that I love your new banner photo - the best of fall!
Lorie - When I get the munchies, it's always for something salty. (Have I ever mentioned I could live on potato chips alone? I know. That is SO bad.)
Jen - I've tried waxed paper and that was such a disaster I had to scrape it off the paper, roll the dough in flour and start again. Don't have a silicone sheet thingie so haven't tried that, but there's always the chance it could work?
Susan - Ha! Would you please write a note to Chicken Mama for me? She gave me lotsa grief yesterday because the new header photo included the Virginia Creeper which according to her is drab, scraggly, unkempt, awful and downright dead looking! I argued there is fall beauty in that of itself but she fought me all the way! (Kids!!!!)
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