Barley Casserole would appear a lot more often on our table if I somehow had ready access at all times to fresh mushrooms. It's the only ingredient in this recipe that I don't always have on hand. (Hmmm, is there a mushroom farm in my basement in the future?)
1/2 cup butter
2 medium-ish onions, coarsely chopped
3/4 lb. sliced mushrooms
1-1/2 cups uncooked barley
1 teaspoon salt
Black pepper
2 cups chicken or beef broth
Melt butter in a large skillet. If you don't have a really large (I'm serious here) skillet, you might want to use a big soup pot. (The skillet I use measures a little over 12" across.)

Cover and bake in a 350 degree oven for one hour. Uncover and bake until all liquid is absorbed, possibly 10 minutes.

The thing I really like about this casserole is that if there is any left over, it makes a GREAT base for soup. Add some more broth, veggies, left over chunks of meat, whatever seasonings float your boat and you have an easy pot of hearty, stick-to-your-ribs soup.
Addition to Original Post: This afternoon I made soup with the leftovers of this Barley Casserole. I had about a cup of good gravy in the refrig which I put in the bottom of a soup pot.
Stirred it over a low/medium heat until it was warm.
Added two cups of beef broth and the remainder of the casserole. (How much? Ummm, somewhere around 2 cups?)
Chopped a quarter head of cabbage (it was a small head) and half an onion, threw that in with a couple teaspoonsful of frozen chives.
Then added about a cup of precooked, chopped duck meat I had in the freezer. Let it all simmer for a couple of hours.
We had it for dinner tonight with a tossed salad and it was delish! Have plenty left over for at least one more meal.
I have seen where you can buy a small log that you water and it grows a couple of pounds of mushrooms. Kind of a kitchen conversation piece but it looked like fun. I saw them at a co-op in Vermont and a whole foods in Ohio so they must be readily available. I think you need one of those! I think I might need one of those.
I love love love barley too! This sounds so good! Side dishes are always a good thing to come across! Thank you!!!
I'll be doing that one tomorrow night for sure. Thanks.
I just love this time of year-every part of it, right down to getting in the kitchen and whipping up a huge VAT of beef barley soup. This recipe looks promising (super duper delish), but oops-I can't do mushrooms. I wonder what else I could throw in there..........
jane - I think we both need one of those!
Apple Pie Gal - You're welcome. Isn't this the perfect time of year for barley?? So substantial and hearty!
KM - Hope everybody at your house enjoys it. You're very welcome!
Sue - What?! No mushrooms? What a bummer! Don't know what the flavor would be but I'd give it a try with celery and/or carrots? What about making it more of a main dish by adding chicken or precooked bacon cut up? Cooked beef?
Oh, Mama Pea---you found my weak spot......yes, bacon it will be. Yum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sue - Hmm, bacon and barley? How can you go wrong?!
I keep coming back to this one!! Love it!
KM - How very nice of you to take the time to mention that this recipe has been a good one for you! I was just riffling through my recipe box yesterday and came across this one and decided it is the time of year when I definitely need to make it a time or two.
Thanks again for the comment.
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