This gentlemen's agreement of ours has worked all summer . . . until yesterday. I was harvesting pickling cucs when I plunged both hands into the vines to spread them when "Wham!" I was nailed on the outside of my left hand between wrist and bottom of little finger.
When I jerked my hand out of the vines, I had a yellow and black bumblebee very firmly attached to my hand. I had to work a little bit (which I did quite quickly) to get him detached. He'd apparently had sufficient time to pump a whole boatload of venom into my hand though because I'm now deformed.

I truly feel like such a wimp but my hand has been so painful (mostly from the swelling, I'm sure) that I had trouble sleeping last night and all day today the swelling has been slowly moving up my arm so that now it's reached my elbow.
The one smart thing I did was to immediately remove my wide gold wedding band as soon as I ran into the house. Years ago, I had to have it cut off (no small feat) because of a black fly bite on my ring finger.
Now I'm functioning like a one-armed bandit and not getting much done. (Susan, should we start a club?)
My daughter stopped over tonight and I commented to her that I kind of liked how my left hand is so smooth and looks young again.
She said, "Yeah, in an unhealthy sort of way."
Oh my! That looks AWFUL. I am VERY impressed. Milk it for all it's worth; you might need a full week to recuperate, don't you think?
JJ - So you'll be here at what time tomorrow morning to do those three batches of pickles? Hmmmm??
Mama Pea, I am so sorry! I was stung two days ago by a bumble bee in the upper arm- I feel your pain! They are always buzzing about while I'm picking raspberries and leave me be. But, two days ago we were camping out of town and THOSE bumble bees evidently don't have the manners ours do. My arm is swollen and achy and hurts to sleep on. I forgot how terrible their stings can be. I'm just glad it got me and not any of the kids.
Oh my gosh! I have never been stung by one, and now I really hope I never am. Hope you feel better soon Mama Pea!
Oh NOOO! That doesn't look so hot! Please tell us the swelling is going down not up still! That is one of my worst fears and knock on wood...never been stung! Not even with the thousands of bee's we have now. I really hope you are feeling ok. Let hubby do all the rest!!
Oh wow that looks painful. Is there nothing you can take like Benedryl to reduce your reaction to the sting? I hope the swelling and pain goes away soon.
cigarette burns to the skin without touching you gotta wait
or soil, mud, you should last
Makes me rethink my strategy too! I'm forever sticking my face into a patch of flowers while weeding-I have never had a problem with the Bumbles. Guess I have to keep an eye on them!
Hope the swelling goes down and you're okay......
Wow! Hope the swelling goes down soon.
You can exuse me as an overreactor but I think that kind of swelling the day after requires MD treatment. My hubby is extremely allergic so I am super cautious about stings. I think you need some meds. Hope you get better real soon.
ThyHand - Sister of the Sting! Yes, the bumblebee stings are bad! Hope your arm is much, much better now.
Stephanie -Thanks, Stephanie.
Apple Pie Gal - I've been stung by our honey bees but this sting is MUCH worse . . . darn bumblebees!
Sparkless - I try to stay away from any drugs. Have been taking the homeopathic remedy Apis. Thanks so much for your concern. :o)
dikisdersi - I'll make it!
Sue - Thanks so much. I don't know how we can garden and avoid the little buggers. It's just been a prolific year for the bumblebees around here.
Linda - I think (wishful thinking?) the swelling is a little less this morning.
Kim - Thanks so much for your concern. I have a history of reacting badly to insect bites . . . even mosquito and/or black flies . . . so this isn't unexpected. My dad was severely allergic so I feel lucky to have the little problem I do. I slept better last night so I'm sure it just has to work its way through my system. I'm flushing it along with lots of water. Thanks again.
Mama Pea, I would love to form a club with you - but it would have to be something like the Knitting/Quilting Ladies, or the Pea Pickers. Sorry about the sting - there have been tons of bees, wasps and yellow jackets around this year. Has the swelling gone down?
Susan - I can tell you are WAAAY ready to be back in action with two good arms/hands!
Yup, I think I have a little more swelling in my arm today but a little less in the hand. Progress! It's working it's way out.
Oh my! I too have developed a sort of nonchalance about the bumblebees, every plant I have is loaded with them and I regularly stick my hands in "their" plants while they are flying around. I might want to be a little more careful! Problem is, we have those massive mason bees that look like overgrown bumbles but don't sting so I forget this time of year the fuzzies have changed over, masons gone, bumbles here! Hope your hand is doing better today. Worst sting I had so far was a wasp up at the lake 3 summers ago, I can still remember it!
Erin - My hand is MUCH better today. Thanks for asking.
I think there is another way to look at this. If you could bottle that venom in a weaker dose, people would pay big money to use it to puff out wrinkles. I got stung by my eye once and the crows feet were gone.You got to look at the bright side :)
jane - By jove, I think you've got something there! Now all I have to do is figure out how to "milk" all those bumblebees out in the yard.
Thanks for commenting. Now I've found your blog!
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