The seven new goslings seem to be thriving and doing well.
It's difficult to get good pictures of the little ones because the gander is being extremely protective of them.
Whenever he sees one of us nearby, he immediately puts himself between the human and the goslings.
Mom, Pop and the seven little ones are spending all their time in their pen for the time being, but I don't think it will be long before Mama takes them outside to discover green grass and other good things to eat.
Hi, Fiona - I'm wondering if we will have both baby ducklings and goslings swimming on the pond soon. Although I do know goslings can't swim nearly as soon as ducklings can. They sink like rocks until they are of a certain age. Thankfully Mama Goose knows this. She does know this, doesn't she? Oh sure, she must. (Now I'm worried about that big puddle of water out there.)
Hey, Erin - We can hardly believe how Mr. and Mrs. Shetland Goose (Geese? Gooses? Geeses?) are behaving as DEVOTED parents to the seven goslings! We close up the pen for security at night but it is open all day and neither mom or pop has come out once since the goslings have hatched. They have feed and water inside the pen but still . . .
I live with my husband on a small homestead in Northern Minnesota. Our daughter currently lives in a small cabin in the woods not too far from us.
Our place is located outside a small town and a two and a half hour's drive from the nearest big city. Trips to the city are infrequent, well-planned, and exhausting!
We currently raise chickens and have hives of honey bees. Raising some of our meat and most of our fruits and vegetables is a priority for us; so, along with our birds for meat and eggs, we have fruit trees, berry patches and a huge vegetable garden.
Quilting is my passion, and I could happily spend each day in my quilt studio if I weren't happily spending each day out in the garden. Good thing we have winters up here; Mother Nature helps keep my life balanced.
My Occupation(s)
Home and Household Manager (Highly-Skilled Domestic Engineer)
Wife of Retired School Teacher (I Really Enjoy Having Him Home)
Mother of Grown Child (I Am So Proud of Her)
Fanatic Gardener (So Many Seeds, So Little Summer)
Passionate Quilter (I Am Obsessed)
EX-Restaurant Owner (Thank Heavens!)
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SO CUTE!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing :)
Hi, Fiona - I'm wondering if we will have both baby ducklings and goslings swimming on the pond soon. Although I do know goslings can't swim nearly as soon as ducklings can. They sink like rocks until they are of a certain age. Thankfully Mama Goose knows this. She does know this, doesn't she? Oh sure, she must. (Now I'm worried about that big puddle of water out there.)
I didn't know that about goslings not swimming well! The pics are so cute!
Hey, Erin - We can hardly believe how Mr. and Mrs. Shetland Goose (Geese? Gooses? Geeses?) are behaving as DEVOTED parents to the seven goslings! We close up the pen for security at night but it is open all day and neither mom or pop has come out once since the goslings have hatched. They have feed and water inside the pen but still . . .
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