Thursday, April 22, 2010

Drat and Dang

I've been having troubling "issues" with my computer since early this morning and am thinking I'm going to have to take it in to see the computer doctor tomorrow.

So if I disappear for a couple of days (sure hope I can be back up and going sooner than that), know that I didn't die from those wonky cookies I baked yesterday. It's just that I may be unplugged until we can get the bugs out. Wish me luck.


Patty said...

Best of luck! Hope to see you back soon!

Erin said...

Good luck, we'll still be here :)

You Can Call Me Jane said...

Best of luck to you. I love your new header photo- just beautiful.

Mama Pea said...

Hi, Gals - Thanks for the good wishes. As you may have noticed (and I say this in all amazement), I seem to be back in business again. If you hear a loud scream, bereft wailing and the sound of my head hitting the desk tomorrow morning when I turn the computer on, you'll know I spoke too soon!

Thy Hand - Thank you! It was taken just a morning or so ago, but doesn't it look kinda fall-ish instead of spring-ish? Maybe it's our dryness that makes it seem less than lush.