Dear daughter is coming to spend the day today working with me on computer/website administrative tasks along with doing some photography of baby quilts and bibs. Bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches will be served for lunch. (Would madam care for a wee glass of white wine with that?) Mmmm, can hardly wait.
If all goes well, husband and I are going to try to get some pictures, and I'll do a blog post on Chicken Culling 101 this weekend for all of you who have expressed an interest in same.
The other thing I'm going to attempt this weekend is to get some extra sleep. Still finding too many things to do in a day's time and pushing on too late into the night time hours. Not enough beauty sleep makes Mama Pea a very cranky girl. (What the heck am I gonna do come spring when I spend most of my day outside in the garden, which obviously I'm not doing now? Oh wait, I almost forgot! That's when the four interns, the full-time maid and cook arrive. Whew, no problem. I'll be fine.)
Speaking of interns, have you ever thought of having a few "WWOOFers" come and help you with your garden work? We're looking into hosting some this summer. As I understand it, there are all these 20-somethings wandering the globe from one organic farm to another, asking only for a place to sleep, a bit of food, and a chance to stay for a short time (you get to specify preferred length of stay) to learn some aspect of farm work. I know some other farmers who've used them, and I've heard a lot of good things about this international program. Might be work checking out, unless you LIKE to do everything yourself! ;-)
(BTW, "WWOOF" stands for "Willing Workers On Organic Farms.")
I'll take one of those sandwiches, please.
Yum! My tomato plants are an inch tall now and only have 1 set of leaves, LOL.... I'm going to talk to them tonight and fluff them a bit and see if they'll grow faster! Chicken Culling 101, yay!
Where do I apply for those jobs?
Those tomatoes look beautiful! What a treat in Minnesota in March!
That's it!! My friend did a stint with WWOOF on a lavender farm in Italy - and she paid for the pleasure of working there besides. You really should look into what you need to do to qualify for such a program :)
MaineCelt - Yes, WWOOF does seem to be a good organization. We haven't seriously looked into it but wonder if we would actually qualify as a "farm." We're pretty small . . . and I just like to complain a lot. ;o)
Hey, JJ - Sandwiches were good . . . as was the new white wine I had picked up!
Hi, Erin - The sad thing (boo-hoo!) is that you really WILL be able to harvest luscious tomatoes from your garden this summer. With us, it's always a cwap shoot!
Hey, Beth - Sorry, but you would be a bad influence on me. With both of us together, we wouldn't get anything done but QUILTING!! (But wouldn't that be fun??)
Hey, Ruthie - Yes! And do we feel lucky to be able to get them!
Hi, Jen - Boy, if I were in my 20s and starting over, I definitely would LOVE to do something like being involved with the WWOOF program. Be a great way of determining where you might want to live also.
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