Every now and then I make a batch of those same meat balls and squirrel them away in the freezer. Then I can easily take out how ever many I need for Barbequed Meat Balls, Meat Balls in Gravy, Spaghetti Sauce, etc.
They smell wonderful when cooking and the aroma stayed in my kitchen all day today. Wish I had a gourmet-ish name for them. But they're just:

1 lb. ground beef
2 eggs
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 teaspoon dried parsley
1 clove garlic, minced
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
Mix all of the ingredients until well blended.

Bake meat balls in a 500° oven for 20 minutes.

After they have cooled, freeze any remainders for future use.
Notes: When removing the meat balls from the oven, I take a spatula and loosen the hot meat balls from the racks. Sometimes they tend to settle down into the racks but if you loosen them when they're hot, they come right off.
These meat balls aren't highly seasoned or spicy but you certainly could add whatever "zing" you wanted to them.
I usually do twice this amount at a time (just double everything in the above recipe) but I had a pound of ground beef defrosted that I had planned on using tonight (then had a change of plans) so I made only a one-pound batch this time around.
Getting these meat balls made today was about the only planned project I got accomplished.
I shan't repeat it here, but if you wish to read more of how things have been going lately, go over to my quilting blog where I'm afraid I went on and on about the little struggles and diffooculties we've been battling lately.
One other thing I did do was to make it to the library today so now I'm going to go take a hot shower, throw an extra quilt on the bed, and snuggle down with a new book.
Yum! Meatballs are a pain to make right before dinner so I make them ahead and freeze gallon bags of them. My favorite is Swedish Meatballs - but hey, I'm from MN and my favorite place is IKEA so go figure....
I just made two kinds of meatballs yesterday. My main recipe is similar to yours, expect I add lemon zest, and saute onion and garlic in oil before adding it to the meat. It's delish.
Hi, Erin - For being SUCH a Minnesota girl, you've done an excellent job of growing where you've been (temporarily) planted! :o)
Hey, Mama JJ - Thinking of the size of your crew, you must go through A LOTTA meat balls! I think my meat ball recipe must be one of the few things I make without onions! Maybe the garlic counts a little bit though.
Ha! You have inspired me to make Swedish Meatballs & Noodles tonight! Hubby will be so glad when he gets home tonight. It's one of his favorites (can you believe he had never had them before he met me?) and he is works outside on the flight line all day so he will be cold and hungry when he gets home tonight. Just looked and all I had was ground venison and ground beef so I will be combining those... it's always different shopping from the freezer instead of the store! (I call it my preparation for being miles away from stores someday...)
Erin - Also being super self-sufficient! Learning to make do with what we have on hand. Unfortunately, not many homemakers these days even know HOW to cook. (What am I saying? There aren't even many homemakers (period!) anymore. (Boy, am I cranky today or what?)
What time will dinner be ready tonight? I'll bring a pie for dessert.
hahaha, dinner will be at 5 tonight... you can bring some RHUBARB pie, since that is the one northern fascination that I never did quite get.... maybe I just haven't tried the right rhubarb!
Oh, Erin, you have no idea how much I love rhubarb! I have a really good plant that I will be glad to give you half of when you and your family "retire" up here in the northern climes. (Dang, now I'm starting to salivate for some FRESH rhubarb!)
Thanks for another great recipe Mama Pea!
You're so welcome, Ruthie. Hope you can use it!
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