This morning neither my brain nor my body wanted to function. But things in the garden needed to be harvested so I gave it what I had to give . . . which wasn't a whole lot.

Picked more peas. The inner two rows (the ones that have grown together and now form an almost impenetrable jungle) are not maturing. Nice, large, long pods but the peas inside don't seem to be growing. This could be because they aren't getting enough sunshine. Or air circulation. Or oxygen. They may never mature. I'll just have to wait and see. I did get three more 2-serving bags shelled and put in the freezer.

Then we set up our beet processing assembly line again. I harvested the Forono beets and put seventeen more servings in the freezer. The above picture shows the bags laid out on cookie sheets in the freezer to freeze solid before I pack them all in a bigger bag. (They kinda look like a bunch of bags of nonpareils, don't they?)

I had enough beets left over (3-1/2 quarts) to make a batch of pickled beets. It would have been nice to get this done tonight, but I have done run out of steam. (Problem was I didn't have any to start with today.) I'll put the beets in the refrig and that will be first on my list to get done tomorrow.
While I was cooking the beets today,
Oh, well. I'll take some Geritol tonight before bed and be fine in the morning. (Do they still make Geritol?)
P.S. A bunch more quilts have been added to the "Slideshow" over at Mama Pea Quilts and I'm going to write a new post there as soon as I finish this one. Check it out if you wish.
I like your tin cups that are hanging on the wall behind the bucket of berries!
Hope you slept well last night...
Beets....hmmmm, there's another one that has never made it to my lips, lol! You are braver than I !
Mama JJ - I love my tin cups, too! A gift from my daughter years ago. They're pretty much just for decoration except when a wee one visits and needs a little drink. Perfect for that.
I slept better last night, thank you. This week is toooo busy and I'm feeling outta control. I'm a don't-wanna-be-anymore-Type-A-personality but the challenge is hard sometimes.
Erin - You don't eat beets? You haven't grown beets? My goodness, what are we going to do with you?
Cooked beets with butter, salt and pepper. Mmm-mmm, . . . ya gotta try 'em! (Careful with store-bought ones though. If they're old, they can be bitter. Yuck.)
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