When you look to the right, you see this on the floor.

These are my husband's boots and shoes. These aren't even ALL of 'em. These are only the ones he wears on ye ol' homestead.
It drives me nuts that he has to have this many pairs sitting out at the ready. How many pairs can one man wear at once? But, as he patiently explains to me time and time again when I fuss and fume about having to clean over, under and around all of them, he needs each for a specific job or circumstance. (This line-up, by the way, is just his summer array. He has another set for winter wear . . . and if I didn't throw a first-class hissy fit, he'd leave the whole motley bunch of them out there all the time.)
Oh, well . . . at least he's neat. It's so fortunate I don't have any odd quirks like he does.
Yet ANOTHER reminder why I miss MN so much...mudrooms & basements!! We have neither in VA :(
Hahaha... I feel the same way about the Piper's shoes and jackets--the most motley assortment, mostly gleaned from the thrift shop that's attached to her workplace. Her collection of "chore-specific" coats completely overwhelms the tiny space we have available, as our new living space does not yet have a mudroom. That said, it overwhelmed the available space when we DID have a mudroom, too! Some of those jackets are going to magically "disappear," one way or another...
Erin - Come on home, girl!
MaineCelt - Be very careful! One of those jackets that magically "disappear" will be the very one that she CANNOT live without and you will never hear the end of it.
Signed, The Voice of Experience
You're exactly right..which is why I haven't worked up the nerve to do it yet! On the bright side, I *have* trained her to call me and discuss any potential thrift store jackets before she actually comes home with them. I can almost always "talk her down." ;-)
MaineCelt - The Piper and my son-in-law must be related.
He's got a thing for jackets like you wouldn't believe. Matter of fact, he's currently forbidden (by his wife) to even go in our second hand store because of all the jackets that he finds and simply cannot resist.
Maybe Chicken Mama could give him your number and if he finds himself in a shakey situation, you could talk him down, too. ;o)
Too funny! My hubbie has the same "thing" for jackets and my daughter and your (Mama Pea's) hubbie could talk shoes for hours (though hers are probably more sparkly!)
Fiona - We should be happy it's my husband who goes for the steel-toed boots and your daughter who prefers the shoes with glitter and glitz . . . rather than the reverse!
I have a similar looking shoe bazaar right inside the basement door. Two of the most worn out pairs "disappeared" yesterday while he was at work!
Ruthie - Oh, you're a braver woman than I am!
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