These neighbors are the ones who had been gone for a week before this latest spring snowstorm hit. We were left the keys to their plow truck so we could keep our road and theirs open if it snowed while they were gone. 'Course, wouldn't ya know it, the snow that came was in great quantity, of a texture resembling wet cement, and plain and simply, too much for the regular plow truck. Roy did everything he could, working for hours and hours until he finally got our neighbor's road open (well, passable anyway, at best) on Wednesday, the day they were expected to arrive home. He got the plow truck stuck really badly twice (the grease-like snow literally pulled or threw him off the road into the ditch), but both times I was able to pull him out with our Suburban. Other times in the course of the day, he shoveled himself out of the cement-like muck at least ten to fifteen times. We never did get our driveway open, but there is an exit/entrance through our back yard/woods area over to our neighbor's that has come in handy on more than one occasion and that (thankfully!) we were able to push through and use.
Knowing D and M would have their truck full of luggage, etc. when they got home, and the fact that they would have had a LONG trek through 16" of wet, heavy snow, made us push to make their drive passable for their arrival. Once
Early this morning, after D gave Roy a quick lesson on operation of an ASV, they attacked our driveway and yard with two pieces of D's equipment that had a little more clout than the plow truck. D took care of our driveway while Roy cleaned the yard area.


Every man is happy having his very own great, big Tonka toy to play with.
I truly don't know what we would have done about clearing away all the snow without our good neighbor's help. Waiting for it all to melt would have taken a loooong while. Thank you, thank you, thank you, dear neighbors!
Sounds like you got some really good neighbors there--with all the right equipment for dealing with whatever Mother Nature throws at you.
(I'd love to learn to drive one of those tracked vehicles someday too)
Hi, Ruthie - Somehow I know you could master running any piece of equipment of your choice with no trouble!
Roy looks like he's having WAY too much fun! I guess we should have come to visit now instead of waiting for the thaw!!!
Hi,Fudd - Absolutely! When's the last time you got to experience 16" of snow the consistency of cement with wet, smooshy, gloppy mud underneath?
Sorry about all your snow-- April storms are the WORST. We're having lots of rain here. I got my car stuck in the post-excavation mess that crosses our driveway, a mess which the rain has turned into a jiggly two-foot-deep clay slurry. Only escaped thanks to a very creative towing job orchestrated by the Piper's Son. Whew!
Hey, MaineCelt - Oh, I don't envy you your rain and mud/muck. That's even worse than snow in my book. And clay mud is the worst. I hope your rain lets up soon and things can start to dry out for you. (I don't even want to think of our mud to come when all this snow melts . . . ish.)
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