Roy and his friend J have been trying to find time for a day's winter outing for a couple of weeks now and since the forecast for the coming week is plummeting temperatures (highs . . . yes, folks, I said highs . . . in the minus teens), they decided yesterday would be the time to go for a snowshoe. J's wife owns and operates a business that doesn't afford her too many days off and away, but she was free yesterday so J suggested she and I go along. The guys said they'd be happy to have us join them. (Smart boys.)

Here's the line-up, minus the photographer (that would be me) starting out. If my picture was better, you'd notice J's signature polka dot engineer's cap. I gave him grief the whole way because it was COLD, and here he was with his ears hanging out. His retort was that some people just sweat more than others.

We'd just reached the two-thirds mark on the trail and had a snack of chocolate. Good chocolate. Girls are happy now and ready to go on.

Close to the end of our two-hour snowshoe, J decided to go off the trail to see how easy it would be if we hadn't had the packed trail. See the snow on his pants almost up to his waist? That's how easy (not) it would have been.
Such a beautiful day it was. The trees were heavily coated with huge globs of snow, the sun was shining, the air was crystal clear, and it wasn't too cold . . . three or four layers, starting with a set of good long underwear, kept all of us toasty. And in the case of J, even a little sweaty.
J's wife looks a little frozen in that picture of the two of you! Was she?
Otherwise, what a perfect day! Up here, it was downright WARM yesterday with the sun and no wind! I didn't even have to put on insulated pants outside.
Yup, L was a little cold, but not miserable. We kidded her that she just hasn't had the chance to be out enough this winter to get "hardened off." She said she had a good time . . . hope she did.
Looks like you all had a fun hike. This is the first winter in a long time that I can actually think about getting the snowshoes out again. I was sure wishing I'd had them along on my hike yesterday!
Hope you're all staying warm in the next few days! I don't have Sophie's sweater finished yet and I don't think she's going to be wanting to spend too much time outside. I should knit her some socks quick--her feet seem to get cold first.
Ruthie - Do they sell dog musher's booties for dogs down by you? They are a canvas-like material boot (but flexible) that the mushers put on their dogs' feet to protect them from rough ice or snow. We have a pair that we put on Zoey when conditions are so that ice/snow balls up on her feet, which she can't stand. They would give Sophie a certain amount of protection from the cold.
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