Our daughter and her dad hamming it up before dinner.

Dinner's done and the birthday boy is unwrapping his present.

Modeling his new insulated work bib overalls!

We must have all been on the same wave length this year 'cause his wife gave him some Filson pants. They came unhemmed so the seamstress in the family (that would be me) gets the task of hemming them. Here Chicken Mama is measuring for the correct length.

She got a little carried away and decided to take her bust measurement which she announced was 15"! (Let's hope she did a better job measuring Chainsaw Tommy's pant inseam.)

After dinner and present opening, we played Trivial Pursuit. Here I'm trying to get illegal coaching on a question from my smart son-in-law.

Then we ended the evening with birthday cake and candles. This is the inhale before the exhale to blow out all his candles. Wonder what he wished for?
Sour Cream frosting? How 'bout Cream Cheese frosting? Much yummier!
You forgot to mention that it was about 90° in your house last night - which is why I look like a baked ham in all the pictures!
Duh. Well, you know how well I function after 7 in the evening, and I was blogging around 11. It's a wonder I could type let alone think intelligently . . . which I obviously wasn't!
And what a beautiful looking baked ham you are!
Wow, 2 birthday celebrations for Chainsaw Tommy! He's a pretty lucky guy.
(I bet he was wishing for spring!)
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