Sunday, October 26, 2008

Just Rain, No Snow . . . and Visitors

Our drastic drop in temperatures over night didn't happen so today instead of the predicted 3-4" of snow, raindrops are falling on our heads.

But the milder weather makes for better long weekend driving conditions for P, C and their beautiful baby son who made his first trip to his mama's childhood home territory.

Oops. Apologies to P for loping off the top of his head. I was so concerned about getting their little babe in the picture that I over-compensated.

C is our daughter's oldest friend. I can still visualize them on their first day of kindergarten when neither one of them knew anybody. C, being the more out-going of the two, went right up to W, took hold of her hand, and they've been best friends ever since.

Now C and P live 300 miles from here, but happily both feel a strong attachment to our area and visit whenever they can. The proud papa is French-Canadian and speaks French to their new arrival. C, of course, speaks English but also German and Italian. We joked today that their son's first words will be something in French, then English, then Italian, and then German. Let's just hope they're not all in the same sentence!

As you can tell, he's been a good traveler and kinda likes going places and seeing new things. Z-z-z-z-z-z.

1 comment:

Claire said...

I was so proud to see this post! Thanks for letting us grace the pages (windows?) of your blog. It was very great to see you! You and Roy look as young and healthy as ever.