Saturday, March 25, 2023

Before Spring Time . . .

 Most often we know spring time is coming when the month of March arrives and we get inches of beautiful, wet snowfalls.

This happened last Wednesday when we woke to about 10" of the stuff.

I took this shot through a kitchen window over the evergreen boughs in a window box.  It sure was pretty!

Papa Pea had his work cut out for him.  He was concerned that perhaps our good, old (very old) Gravely garden tractor with snow blower attachment wouldn't be able to handle the heavy, wet snow.

But once again, our trusty Gravely proved its worth and saved a lot of hand shoveling close up against buildings.

The truck with plow blade was used on the driveway, of course.  Even so, it was some of the most difficult plowing of the winter.

But that's the characteristics of our March snows.  And, yes, they really do herald the coming of our spring season.  We're sure it's under there somewhere just waiting to burst forth.


  1. Oh dear, you do still have an awful lot of snow. Today, we are getting rain, rain, and more rain. It was forecast as freezing rain, but I think we dodged that bullet. -Jenn

  2. Jenn - A temp of 40° is forecast for today (fingers crossed) so if that truly happens, a lot of our snow should melt. That, too, is typical of our March weather . . . lots of melting of what snow we get. I just keep reminding myself that all this snow will make for a not dry spring, which is a good thing!

  3. My neighbors ducks have been walking over the drifts to escape and visiting a growing puddle in my yard. And I can see the tops of some of my raised garden beds!

  4. tpals - Ha! I'd send you a picture of my raised beds, but the solid, white, snow covering on this sunny morning might blind you! ;o) I'm sure they're under there somewhere. Maybe this melty week supposedly coming up for us will enable the frames to start to peek through. Maybe.

  5. My beds are three feet tall which helps a lot on the visibility.

  6. We've had crazy weather, 10-15 degrees below normal, snowed again today, on and off. April can be CRAZY, but this is the worst I've seen. Firing up the grow light tomorrow to start some veggies indoors

  7. I say there are 'degrees' of spring. We can smell it in the air, and see the brightness of the sun. Snow fell here all day yesterday in HUGE, wet flakes. It will melt fast once the sun reappears. The winter's accumulation of snow has settled a lot, and my garden beds are faintly visible as slight mounds in a row. The first Redwing blackbird showed up yesterday AM, his timing was a bit off...

  8. Nancy - We sure can't count on what the weather will be anywhere in the country, can we? I'm having a hard time convincing myself it's time to start seeds for the garden. If we have an early (warm) spring, it's one thing but if the seedlings can't go out until nearly June 1st, they'll be too long and leggy. How does one know??

    Rosalea - Yes, the snows of March don't last long. We had more melting yesterday but I still can't see the mounds of my raised beds yet. This coming week is supposed to be warmish so that may happen soon. Gosh, the Redwing blackbirds rarely make an appearance here even in summertime. I kinda miss them from growing up in warmer climes!

  9. My sons in Wisconsin reported another foot Friday. I awoke to all white this morning! Soon, it will be time to put in the AC. Such is life. Cheers!

  10. Tim - My husband, who is convinced the lawn needs to be cut every other day in the spring, summer and fall (a task he's not fond of) is noticing the bare spots in the lawn that he thinks are turning green already. And, yep, we'll all be complaining over hot how it is before we know it!

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  12. No snow here, but we are getting too much rain lately. It's making it hard to even get a day outside to prep the garden.

  13. Kristina - I know you've had heavy rains early in the season that have kept you out of the garden for a few years now. How frustrating I know that must me. At least we don't have the rain, but the continued snow does put off our starting of the season!
