Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Hello, Mr. Bear

Our trail camera caught this sighting of a big, ol' black bear in our back wood working area a couple of nights ago.
I'm happy we haven't seen one this spring or summer during the daytime.  I'm very happy we haven't had one investigating what we might have in our plywood box that holds our recycling bottles and cans.  Or creating any other kind of (destructive) mischief.
I'm not planning on any midnight walks around the property though.  That's for sure. 


  1. At least leave him an ax or a chainsaw so he can help you prepare for winter! Thankfully he didn't create any more work for you and PapaPea. take care.

  2. Lisa B - We have a pile of birch edgings back there. Maybe if he climbed up on top of the pile and jumped up and down a bit, he could break them into kindling sized pieces! ;o)

  3. We used to see brown bears in the fields all the time when we were kids but I never went out there at night! Stay safe!!! xo Diana

  4. I have cougars and bobcats here, but no bears so far. Yikes!

  5. NanaDianna - Like so many wild animals, they say (unless provoked or you get between a mama bear and her cubs) a bear will run and hide from humans . . . but I sure wouldn't chance it. Especially at night!

    Tim - We have bobcats (and lynx) and although we've never seen one, others have seen and even photographed a cougar. I'm kinda surprised you don't have bears. I'm sure they'd just love all that corn grown around you!

  6. Mama Pea: Did you borrow one of my bears??!! That is a fat and sassy one!

  7. Be very beary careful. Sorry couldn’t resist. Goatldi

  8. Rosalea - You can have him back!

    Goatldi - Beary careful . . . that was so bad it was good!

  9. He looks like a healthy bear. I don't think I'd like to encounter him at night though. We have bears all the time walking down the street or sidewalk at night like they own the place. I remember one night when the kids and I got in the car and I was just about to turn the car on and glanced in the rear view mirror to see a big black bear walking behind our car! After that I always looked around and made lots of noise if I had to go out at dark.

  10. Great shot! But I confess I'm glad I don't live nearby. I'm told we once had black bears in our part of the state, but no one has seen one for ten years. (Of course, they said the same thing about coyotes when we moved in, and we've seen lots of those!)

  11. Sparkless - They say the bears should be well-fed this year because of the good wild berry crop. The surprise you got when you saw the bear right behind your car that night illustrates that we ALL need to be more aware of our circumstances . . . especially at night!

    Leigh - When we first moved here we were told there were no raccoons this far north in Minnesota. But in the past years we've definitely seen them. Wonder if it's because our climate has become those few degrees warmer? Like you, I wouldn't mind if we didn't have the population of black bears that we do!

  12. Oh wow! He/She is a big one! I think black bears are absolutely beautiful, but I sure wouldn’t want to meat up with one!

  13. Mandy - Yes, a healthy black bear is a beautiful animal. Their coats are so luxurious and shiny. Bear hunting is a relatively big thing around here. I've never tasted bear meat (have no real desire to do so!) but have an acquaintance who used to make soap with the bear fat and it was wonderful!
