Saturday, August 29, 2020

Food Therapy

I spent a bit of time in the kitchen this morning doing some much needed food prep.  It was "needed" by the people who eat the food around here and by me as a diversion from other things that have been occupying my time lately.

 On the occasional times when Papa Pea wakes in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep, he gets up, pours himself a half glass of milk, grabs a slice of my mom's fruitcake and sits and sits in the living room to read and munch for a half hour or so, then comes back to bed.  Sadness and woe, there has been no fruitcake in the house for a while now.  This morning was time to remedy that situation.

A great big bowl of batter ready to be divided between three loaf pans.

An hour and a half later (a slow baker) . . . voila!  A substantial supply for those late night forays.  You can find the recipe and explanation of what we call "fruitcake" if you go way down on the right hand side bar and insert "Our Fruitcake Tradition" in the Search box.

I always mix up and put in the freezer enough pie dough for a big bunch of crusts so I don't have to take the time to make the crust(s) when I want to make and/or bake a pie.  So I did that, too.  

Then I rolled out two of the balls of crust to make pre-baked pie shells.

I used one to make this pie for the weekend and one pre-baked shell went into the freezer for another time.  I can make this delish-to-the-max pie only when we have fresh blueberries.  Using frozen just doesn't work.  The recipe for it is in a post entitled "How to Eat a Whole Pie in One Sitting," if you're interested.  The pie will be gone by tomorrow night.  We may or may not confess to having had help eating it.

Took a walk through the garden this afternoon, on this loverly fall-feeling day, and I'll share that with you soon.

Hope you're all having a good weekend!




  1. Hello, Everyone - Yep, Blogger is giving me fits today. Can't find a fix so my apologies. What's with the color changes in the printing? And for anyone trying to find the past posts I've referred to, entering the names of the posts in the Search box does work, but you have to scroll through some other posts to find the one you want. Grrrr.

  2. Looks delicious... I used to make fruit cake a lot back in Wales...but now living in California I find dried fruit prices really high. I could find 1Ib bags of raisins for a about 1GBP about $ the stores where I live its more than double that.
    I need to find cheaper outlets
    Phoebe x

  3. That pie looks great! I'm a kitty current and orange bread that's like that, has to bake for about an hour and a half. I make it every year during the holidays it's called the Williamsburg Queens cake and it's amazing! Yes I know the new blogger has some glitches and I've been reporting them from using the older version for now as long as possible. I found you can't put any HTML code in to put a little snippet to go to a link to Amazon. Oh well it's free that's about all I can say

  4. I got some goodies in the mail the other day and was thinking about making a fruit cake, so yours is timely and I'll have to look up that recipe. I know what you mean about fresh blueberries for those special pies. Only once a year!

    I reverted back to legacy blogger for as long as they'll let me. The new interface is just too clunky, for one thing. Now everyone seems to be having problems. Be sure to send them feedback about it! This seems to be an extremely ill-prepared change on their part and they need to know what's going on!

  5. You have been busy! We love fruitcake, and that pie looks luscious! Yes, it is feeling more and more fall-like. There is a different colour of green in the tree leaves, as well as a few flashes of coloured ones here and there, and nights are cooling down.
    It rained all day yesterday, but today has dawned clear. Hubby brought in a selection of apples off of the most flavourful trees and asked me to 'do something with them'. So..a batch of pastry and apple pie is on my to do list.

  6. Phoebe - From Wales to California!? There must be an interesting story there! I'm sure you are noticing a price difference in a lot of things. And aren't we all right now? I've never spent so much money on groceries in my life. That makes it all the more important for us to grow everything we possibly can. That's not any easier, but more necessary! Thanks for commenting.

    Nancy - Seems we have to go along with whatever changes (and they don't all seem to be for the better, that's certain) are made on the Internet. It's frustrating at best. I wouldn't want to lose the ability to blog though, as I know you wouldn't either. :o\

    Leigh - Do you get a sense that so very much coming out these days as "new and improved" isn't effective? Don't they have the capabilities of testing anymore before declaring all manner of things "better" let alone SAFE?? Ooops, didn't mean to climb on this horse this morning. ;o)

    Rosalea - We've even had yellow leaves falling from the trees. And a temp of only 51° this morning! (Wait, wait! I have things in the garden that won't mature at that temp!) Oh, the first apple pie of the season . . . from your own trees. Be still, my heart! :o)

  7. Blogger over the decades has had its fair share of cases of the hiccups, but then I haven't changed to another yet either. As with life, we muddle through and get the job done.

  8. Cockeyed Jo - How true! We can't let a little stumbling block like this send us packing, can we! (Lots BIGGER problems to face right now. :o( )

  9. Getting up in the middle of the night and eating something is beyond my ken, but you are kind to cater to your husband's habits. I, too, am sticking with legacy Blogger for as long as possible; I'll add one more headache to my life when I HAVE to!

  10. Michelle - It's not uncommon for me to wake in the middle of the night for a potty stop and then not be able to get back to sleep when returning to bed. :o( But I've never had the urge to eat something when I get up to read or pass the time until I feel sleepy again. Different strokes for different folks, eh?

  11. The fruit cake and pie look so yummy. You're such a good person to your husband! Stay save !

  12. linnellnickerson - :o) It works both ways with him. He does a lot of little things for me that mean a lot.

  13. I should never read blogs when I'm hungry! LOL! I am going to try your fruitcake sometime. It's cooling off here a bit...only 86 today! LOL! That pie looks good! I get up in the night sometimes like last night but I don't eat. I just stay in bed and read until I start getting sleepy again. Enjoy your fall and I can't wait till it gets really chilly here.....I'll probably have to wait until November! Stay well!

  14. Yummyyyyy looking fruitcake. I've never made it, as buying a couple of boxes from Camp Courageous every year satisfies my taste for it and helps a worthy cause.

    I hear you on the relief that for now the garden is giving you a break. I'm a bit envious, I'd rather my tired (and crabby?) were from preserving garden produce instead of 3 weeks of nearly daily tree cleanup. The derecho laid my garden flat and destroyed or damaged so many of our trees. A few garden things are coming back though. Even firewood people are being picky about what they'll work on right now. I guess I should be happy I don't have much to can - I can't find just the lids in stores. Either I'd need to buy jars to get lids or the expensive re-usable ones and even those are in short supply.
