Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Since I Don't Make New Year's Resolutions . . .

. . . I've decided to just live by these ten points I found in a quilting magazine many years ago.  Apologies to the author since I no longer have a name to credit.  I'm sure any of you who quilt will be able to relate . . . and maybe adopt them as your own for the coming year.

* * * * * * * *

1.  Eat more chocolate.  (In my case,
it would be potato chips.)

2.  Never cook when I can quilt.

3.  Begin at least 10 new projects.

4.  Learn to love UFOs.  (Unfinished objects.)

5.  Never miss a fabric sale.

6.  Start a dust bunny collection.

7.  Spend more time in the sewing room
than in the kitchen.

8  Make sure my credit card
never feels neglected.

9.  Never count the number of
stitches per inch.

10.  Quilt only on days ending in Y. 

* * * * * * * *

Sounds like a great start to the New Year to me!  (Feel free to change any words in this list to reflect your own personal addiction.)


  1. sounds good. I'm not into new year resolutions now at my age, but rather small life changes gradually. no stress. Happy New Year

  2. Aha! Words to live by! A blessed and peaceful New Years wish to you and yours.

  3. I think that's the best list I've seen on New Year's Eve! Here's to sticking with it! xo

  4. Hill Top Post - Thank you and Happy New Year!

    Faith - Let's all concentrate on putting the "no stress" part of that into reality!

    Vicki - The same to you, for sure!

    Susan - I'll trust you to use a cattle prod to encourage me! Hugs!

  5. What is so funny, is that these are sooooooo farrrrrrr from the life you really lead. -grin- So this, makes the post, hilarious!!!!

    Lots of gentle hugs and Good Wishes, for Peace, Joy, Love and Health, in the New Year!!!!!!

    And I am so glad you a part of Pretty Blog Land!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  6. Agree with all of them. My only New Years resolution is to get back to quilting as much as possible. Hope you & Papa Pea have a great 2020!

  7. I'm not a quilter, but I do admire the work that goes into it! You are fortunate in that you have a hobby that you love and that gives you much satisfaction. I used to sew, a lot, back, way back when I was a teenager. I've toyed with starting it up again, but clothes are likely more expensive to sew than to buy anymore. There's still that unfinished cross stitch project... Have a great time starting new projects, finishing old ones, and sharing your accomplishments with us! Happy 2020 to you! -Jenn

  8. LOL. Sounds like some excellent resolutions. :)

  9. Love this! Applicable to so many diversions . A few goats, weaving, spinning with a wheel or spindle, goats, baking . Did I mention goats?

  10. I think I could substitute "woodworking, scrap lumber, fixing old stuff and having too many projects" wherever you have written "quilting, sewing, fabric." I'm glad you don't do resolutions either. Phil

  11. wisps of words - HEY! You been peeking in my windows again???

    DFW - "Get back to quilting . . . " Sending you the best wishes for your success at doing just that. I think we're the same in that it's something that soothes, calms us and enables us to think sensibly!

    Jenn - Hang in there until your anticipated retirement. You will still be busy(!) but will have the time to contemplate what will fit into this new phase of your life!

    Leigh - Have you let your hands gravitate toward any of your fiber arts activities yet? Time goes by . . .

    Goatldi - You have more of an excuse than anyone for letting some of your mentioned passions fall by the wayside in the last months, and I know it will be a good thing (Martha says so, too) when you can get back into those things. Like goats! (Look out girls, she's gonna be asking for babies before you know it!!!)

    Phil - But isn't it a joy to have a talent for all those things . . . even if we do try to do too many of them? :o)

  12. You know Mama Pea ... I have seen your comments on blogs I follow and decided to hop on over to see your blog! Lovely. And this particular post - these particular 10 points ... are priceless. Just insert knitting for quilting and I am THERE !!!

    Happy New Year Mama Pea. I plan to drop in more regularly now.

  13. Happy New Year Mama Pea! Those points are wonderful!!!

  14. Good one!!! It just so happens I am sewing on the first day of the new year. Plus, going through my fabrics and organizing which is fun to me. Happy New Year!!!

  15. Retired Knitter - First of all, thank you for coming here and commenting. Wow, you are one fantastic knitter, retired or otherwise! That dress you knit for your granddaughter is absolutely beautiful. Like something you would see in a classy, New York children's boutique. Now that I know where *you* are, I'll be checking out your blog posts!

    Cockeyed Jo - We gotta have some unrealistic nonsense in our lives! ;o)

    Hi, Rain - Glad you enjoyed them. :o}

    Sam I Am - I, too, get a great amount of pleasure going through my fabrics and organizing/reorganizing. I sewed today also! Finished the top of a baby quilt, now ready to sandwich it and decide on the quilting.

  16. Ha ha ha! Made me laugh! I pretty much crafted all day Jan 1st. After we put everything away though.

  17. Kristina - Do you mean you put all your holiday decorations away yesterday? Boy, do I wish I had that all done here!

  18. Thanks for posting that list, which I shall try and follow as is the manner of all crafting folk!

    I don't make new year resolutions, but I have made a list of things I want to make for me and our home, and it is not a silly list, but a sensible one and totally achievable! I think!

    Wishing you and your family a happy and productive New Year. Vx

  19. Vera - Three cheers for sensible and achievable lists. (The kind that are very hard to make!) Sometimes our creativeness blossoms when we do let ourselves get a little silly, don't you think? ;o)

  20. This is great! I'm really really good at collecting dust bunnies :)

  21. Granny Sue - And the thing is . . . they grow so fast! ;o)
