Friday, November 9, 2018

I Am Excited!

It feels as though this wonderful winter season has begun!  We woke to 3" or so of snow completely covering the ground this morning, and it's still snowing.  Yippee!

It's been hard for us to "knock it off" for the winter when not only wasn't the ground frozen, but it was still sporting a lush coat of green grass everywhere one looked.  (It could even have been mowed for a final time.  But wasn't.)

View of our pond this morning
taken by me hanging out of Papa Pea's
second story office window.

I'm thinking the deer hunters will be happy to see the tracking snow, too, as last weekend when the season opened the ground in the woods was littered with crunchy leaves and dry weeds.

While Papa Pea was outside yesterday moving a compost bin to a more convenient winter location, taking down the spring/summer/fall configuration of electric fencing, etc., etc., I was inside doing a thorough house cleaning, making a big batch of Salmon Chowder and baking a Lemon Pound Cake.

A friend of ours is arriving from the Twin Cities today to spend the next week or so based at another friend's house for some serious deer hunting.  He'll stop here for lunch and a visit on his way.  The chowder with a tossed salad and warmed biscuits I pulled from the freezer will make an easy lunch.  Oh, and a slice of the pound cake with a small plop of vanilla ice cream and some haskap berry syrup drizzled over the top for dessert.

The rest of the day you'll find me with my knitting (I'm on a tear to finish this pair of socks for our daughter) on the couch in front of an open fire.  A glorious way to start the official (in my book, anyway) start of a lovely winter season.


  1. Welcome to winter! You received exactly what we did! :)

  2. Hi Mama Pea :)) Oh that's beautiful. Our big snowfall is due over the weekend. It's kind of nice, though I wish it wasn't so cold!! :) Your salmon chowder sounds great!! I actually said "oooh" out loud when I read that lol! Enjoy your knitting by the fire!!! :)

  3. All that food sounds amazing. We got our first snowfall, but not as much as you. It is cold here though.

  4. Yippie!

    We had a nice freeze 31 this morning. With ice from dripping hoses ,after shut off just residue.

    But an hour to the south we welcomed (yeah right) the Camp Fire at 70 K acres in Butte county.

    Winter rain please. This is getting old

  5. It's white outside, here, as well. I wish I could be like you and feel all positive about it! (ha ha). I don't knit, but I'll curl up with a book. It was the opening of hunting season here this past week, but I saw very few trucks at the sides of the roads. I wonder if people are going farther away to do their hunting? -Jenn

  6. YOu have your "Start Of Winter" plans, "down pat," as the old saying goes!!!! :-)

    So glad the snow came and officially put an end, to your outdoor toiling. -grin- Mother Nature knows best. :-)

    I'm sure these hunters are true hunters. Eating the meat they kill. Not just out for a good time.

    But don't you have to be a bit worried, about being out of doors yourself? Not all hunters are "real" hunters. But I'm sure Papa Pea wears bright colors, when out and about.

    Happy Winter!

    Happy Hibernating!

  7. Your lunch sounds yummy! So glad you can finally cozy up and do basically what you like to do. That seems to be the great reward for all the hard work the both of you did this spring and summer. Enjoy!!!
