Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Back in the Saddle?

Well, at least I'm trying to find a stepping block that will get me back into the saddle of regular blogging.

I have my computer back up and operating which is a big relief after the ups and downs of the past month.  Seems we've found a good, honest, fair, easy-to-deal-with computer guy whom we are now calling our new best friend.  The first computer "guru" we dealt with charged us three times as much as this second one but didn't do anything to solve the problems I was having.  So it goes.  I just feel very happy to have found someone else we can rely upon when computer glitches pop up that can't be taken care of "in house."

Being without my computer has given me the time to get completely caught up on my whole list of summer tasks.  Hahahohohoheeheehahaha!  Summer time and the livin' is easy.  Well, yes, but because of so many things we want to do, both work and recreation related, that simply can't be done in other times of the year up here in our neck o' the woods, it tends to make it all on the frantic side.  Keeps us hoppin', that's for sure.

I want to give my garden some press time here on the blog.  And I promise to gather some pictures to post soon.  Yesterday, I made my first real harvest of strawberries. 

The total haul was four and three-quarter pounds of sweet, juicy, lusciousness.  We ate a few, shared a few and had strawberries and cream for breakfast this morning.  Only two of our three varieties are producing so far with the heaviest yielding variety (Cavendish) of last year still to start.  I can hardly wait for the first Strawberry Cream Pie, and I've promised to make a Strawberry-Rhubarb pie for Papa Pea this year.

Our regular rains continue with a couple of heavy thunderstorms rolling through last night.  Our grass is so long we might have to bale it when it dries enough for chopping it down.  Right now it's solidly covered with white clover which our bees are loving.

Our little tourist town is full, full, FULL of vacationers so I try to get in and out as early as possible when it's necessary.

I've missed you all (very much!) during this past month of periods without connection to the Internet and am trying to get caught back up.  So now, into that saddle and . . . giddy-up!


  1. Hurray for strawberries! I think I have one last haul and then I am done (my aching back will thank me...) SO glad you are back!

    1. Susan - After I picked yesterday and then went back to snip off all the runners, my back was screaming at me to find some other fun thing to do! Thanks for the welcome back.

  2. Mama Pea,

    Glad to see you're back in the saddle again!!! Strawberries....YUM!!! Love them directly out of the garden.
    Having found a computer guru who knows what they're doing, and who doesn't change an arm and a leg is someone you need to keep on the payroll (teasing about payroll....just need to keep him in your Rolodex). We're glad to have you back, and can't wait to hear about your next garden harvest.

    1. Sandy - Our "new" computer guy might be worth putting on the payroll! ;o) I'm thinking I'm going to have to pick strawberries again today . . . before the predicted thunderstorms hit!

  3. Welcome back! We missed you too!
    Strawberries... Yum.

    1. Blackland Prairie - Thank you! And thanks for commenting!

  4. Welcome back into the proverbial saddle! I wish you were closer, I'd send my husband over to help with your computer troubles. Free of charge or at least a charge of perhaps some strawberries! :)

    I find as I get older I get busier. I thought it was supposed to be the opposite?

    We were under that storm watch last night but it side swiped the city as it tends to do these days. Apparently there was a fantastic roll cloud to be seen as well. Missed that too.

    1. MrsDM - Wouldn't it be wonderful if all of us like-minded bloggers DID live within a short distance of each other? Think of the different talents we each have and how we could trade/barter with each other. I would so love that!

      Summer is the time of year when I have to make a real effort to not get crazy because of all there is to do. But then, I think it's all to do with our chosen way of life and it's, ultimately, what we want. Yay for being able to make those choices!

  5. Glad you're back and found a good computer guy! The strawberries look delicious.

    1. Jan - So nice of you to have missed me. I know, for sure, I missed all of you!!

  6. Welcome back. Such a great thing to have found a tech person that you can trust! -Jenn

    1. Jenn - Yes, these days, sad to say, finding honest service people is such a joy!

  7. Welcome back. Good news about your new computer tech. Enjoy your long awaited berries.

    1. FairviewFarm - Long awaited any of our crops must seem to most other gardeners! We get our harvests but they certainly are later than most other places in the country!

  8. I too have a tech guy I have counted on for years. He charges a fair price and fixes problems, many times he can tell me over the phone what to do which is really great. You could share some of your rain with us as we are having a hot dry spell. Rain just goes around us, sigh.

    1. Myrna - We've never had such a wet spring/early summer in many years. Everything is so lush and green it almost hurts the eyes! More thunderstorms forecast for today . . . which I will try to send your way!

  9. Giddy Up Mama Pea! We've all missed you too! xx
    Happy belated Independence Day! :) Your strawberries are enviable...I have ZERO. You know, with the rainy weather, everything stalled, but the last few days have felt like summer, fingers crossed it stays that way...I saw a few buds maybe. Not from last year's plant, but the two new ones I planted this year. Maybe I'll have September Strawberries!

    I know what you mean about getting back into blogging. Just stopping my daily routine the last few months has got me trying to find my words and my oh so witty remarks again hee hee...

    1. Rain - Oh, if we only lived closer together! I would share my strawberries (gladly!) for one of your luscious, gourmet-ish meals!

  10. I wonder where you are located, because it brought back memories of living outside Perham, MN. Summertime filled all the lake cottages and easily quadrupled the population! The locals called it "Terrorist Season."

    1. Michelle - Yep, many parts of our state of Minnesota (especially around the lakes) are tourist towns. Dead in the winter, crazy/mad in the summer. There's a saying around here: "If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot 'em?"

  11. Glad to see you back. Maybe I should turn my computer off, so I can get caught up, ha ha!

    1. Kristina - Don't do it. Doesn't work to get you caught up! ;o)

  12. Glad to see you back. Your strawberries look delicious.

    1. Theresa Young - Thank you! I was going to pick more berries today but we had one heckuva thunderstorm . . . 1-1/2" of rain in about 15 minutes!

  13. Fresh garden stuff ~ good! Don't suppose you want to share your computer guru ~ but, only if he/she works on Macs.

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