Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Holy Moley!

Is this a beautiful loaf of artisan bread or what?

Our daughter has been experimenting in my kitchen (lucky me!) perfecting the making and baking of sourdough bread.

Yesterday she turned out this three pound loaf of all-einkorn flour sourdough artisan bread. 

How did it taste?

Wonderful!  Great texture, flavorful, hearty and wholesome.

She also made a loaf of rye with rye sourdough starter she's been working on.  Considering the bread was made with 100% rye flour, I'd call it a success.  (Rye flour has very little gluten in it which makes any rye bread difficult to rise.)  She wants to work on getting it to be a loaf higher in volume, but we all agreed you couldn't improve upon the texture and flavor of this sourdough rye.

But that wasn't all she baked.

She made a dozen of these all-einkorn burger buns.  This is the recipe you steered me to, Kristina, and although we haven't taste tested them yet, I have a feeling the recipe is going to be a keeper.

Dear daughter is a talented bread baker, there no doubt about that.  Her dad is a staunch advocate of sourdough bread so he may have to hire her to come in every Monday morning to create our weekly supply of healthy sourdough bread.  (Sounds like a good arrangement to me.)

It's a treat to have her in my kitchen (doing any cooking or baking), and this sourdough bread, especially, convinces me more than ever that those grueling thirty hours of hard labor to bring her into the world were worth it!


  1. Oh, that last comment had me snorting my coffee through my nose! That is some amazing-looking bread you've got there. Have her experiment on some gluten free bread and I'll be right up...with my cow... :)

    1. Susan - The 100% einkorn artisan sourdough should be gluten-free, right?

      Let us know when we should start building the cow barn.

  2. Wow...all that bread looks so amazing! I need to branch out with my bread-making. I only make my usual "country" loaf...I would love to make rye bread, I remember loving it toasted with a little mustard on top. The buns look great too! Another thing I must try. Oh, you're lucky to have a bread baker in your kitchen Mama Pea! :)

  3. Looks good brea. I need to get a sour dough starter going again. I bought some rye flour the other day to do just that - must do it! The baking looked great, I just love the smell in the house.

    1. Kev - You can hardly beat the aroma of bread baking, can you? Or a slice of the stuff right out of the oven. Mmmmm, good!

  4. That's fantastic! I have been keeping starters for years now and make sourdough frequently. Those are some good looking loaves!! My favorite go-to book is Flour Water Salt Yeast which was gifted to me by a doctor colleague. Best book ever written in my opinion! She's on a good road of bread baking!

    1. MrsDM - We don't have that book you mentioned, but I may have to look it up! Thanks.

  5. Your house on Mondays, mine on Tuesdays. You think she's up for some traveling. Does the hamburger bun recipe have oil? They look perfect!

    1. Laurie - The hamburger buns looked perfect . . . but crumbled to pieces when made into a hamburger sandwich and bitten into. Arrrrgh. The flavor was good but I think (without further tweaking of the recipe) they will be served as an "open faced" sandwich with BBQ'd meat (or some such) spread on top and eaten with a fork.

      They did have 1/4 cup of melted butter in them.

  6. Can I borrow her? Would your DD be interested in sharing the Rye Bread secret. I keep promising DH that I will make a nice loaf of Rye real Rye. I think the promise was made about 35 years ago but I have to confess a fear of Rye. That stuff could mortar a house if it isn't done right. I offer in return for her wisdom my eternal gratitude.

    1. Goatldi - That rye bread was made from a sourdough starter that she says is a long way from being perfected. (I'm definitely the impatient type and that's why I've turned the sourdough bread baking over to her.) Her dad would be happy if the only bread made in this house was sourdough so we're trying to appease him. (Or at least she is!) I'm sure she'll be happy to share when she's worked on it a bit more. Finding a rye sourdough recipe in the first place was a real challenge.

      Any bread using rye flour tends to want to turn into mortar!!

  7. So delightful! Back in my single girl days, I took a bread baking class in NYC at a professional cooking school. It was the single best cooking instruction I have ever taken. Bread making is a process and you have to evaluate each loaf you make. It is a great mind stretcher (and belly stretcher if you're not careful). Great for her that she is into it! A lifetime skill, that is for sure.

    1. Farmer Barb - A belly stretcher! Oh, so true but can any of us give up good bread?? That's why we're always trying to search out "good" bread. Guess that's why it was originally called the staff of life! I count my lucky stars she's willing to do the experimenting with the sourdough bread. It's an area where my basic impatience doesn't serve me well!
