Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Miscellaneous Chatter

I guess I need a good night's sleep for more than my beauty.  (Snort.)  Last night I tossed and turned, was up and out of bed for a couple of hours, then wasn't even feeling sleepy when I finally got back into bed.  Of course, I've paid for it all day today.  My body doesn't want to do what it should be doing, but would rather collapse on the couch and slip into oblivion.  I had a lot to do today and did manage to stumble through most of it, but I certainly wasn't operating on all cylinders.  But we all have days like that, right?  I do plan on getting into bed early tonight.  The way I continue to feel, I should have no trouble sleeping this night.

We had our first frost this past Monday morning.  Our thermometer in the sheltered area on the north side of the house by the back door registered 32°, but there was a solid layer of ice on poultry waterers.  Strange thing in the garden though.  The only area that seemed touched, despite a white coating on roofs and vehicles sitting out, were the pumpkin vines.  Neither the cherry tomatoes nor pepper plants had any damage.  Last year our first no-doubt-about-it killing frost was on the 17th of the month.

My fall planted shell peas, the edible podded peas and cauliflower plants don't look as though they'll produce much.  The pods on the shell peas are only about 1/3 plumped up (and have been that way for about a week now with no further growth), the edible podded peas developed very few blossoms (no pods at all yet), and although the cauliflower plants look healthy, there's nary a trace of any heads forming.  Oh well, it was worth a try.

Our fall colors have peaked although there are still lots of golds and yellows to be seen.  I think I like all the leaves on the ground as much as anything.  Our driveway is lovely with its covering of leaves.

Our Virginia Creeper is looking a little wilty, but is still very colorful.

Rain is called for starting tonight and continuing through tomorrow, but Thursday is supposed to be sunny again.  Our day time temps are well into the 50s which, to me, is beautiful fall weather.

We've gotten all the slabwood off the flatbed trailer, cut and stacked under cover in our smaller wood shed.  Funny thing, when all is said and done, it doesn't look like as much wood as we had expected.  That's okay as we have plenty more maple logs still waiting to be worked up in our back wood working area.

Stuffed Green Peppers for dinner tonight.  What's on the menu at your house?


  1. Probably spaghetti; quick and easy. I'm going to use my precious daylight hours to pick and weed in the garden and ride my horse!

    1. Michelle - Bummer of a time for you to have to fill in for Rick's receptionist! So, so much to do at home and, of course, trying to squeeze in horse time! Geesh, it's so hard to get in everything we want/need to do, isn't it?

  2. Left over turkey dinner (Thanksgiving). -Jenn (Funny how the frost was picking and choosing).

    1. Jenn - I have often wished we here in the States had our Thanksgiving in October, too. Having it at the end of November and just one month before Christmas . . . well, just one too many big holidays too close together. :o(

      Your left over turkey sure does sound good though!

  3. Our leaves haven't started turning yet all they are doing is turning brown and falling off.....don't think they will be very pretty this year. Left over chicken and dumplings at this house.

    1. Sherry Miller - Are you folks in a drought area? Sometimes the fall colors just aren't as pretty as other years. Bummer. But yay for left over chicken and dumplings. Mmmmmm!

  4. I cured my sleeping problem 4 days ago---I put on the Flannel Sheets. Good grief--I am so behind on everything now that I'm sleeping. I miss my 4 am busy times. It's when I connect with email and blogs. Getting up at 6 has RUINED my days............
    (damn those wonderful, cuddly soft flannels!)

    1. Sue - You are just such a weird lady! Remember you are probably adding Y-E-A-R-S onto your life by getting adequate amounts of sleep!!

  5. I'm stuffing more peppers tonight, but last night I pulled a ham bone to make soup. I have about 7 ham bones I need to rotate out...my brother offers them and I accept every year, ha ha!

    1. Kristina - Oh, there is nothing better than a good ham bone for making soup! Bean soup, pea soup, lentil soup . . . mmmmm, I can taste it now!

  6. We had our first frost yesterday with more for tomorrow. I know I always get a little reprieve because the first frost will not reach the actual garden and deck because they hold so much heat. It does give me a warning to get things wrapped up though.

    1. SmartAlex - How convenient to have that "frost alarm clock" so you have a little advance warning to get things wrapped up! Most years, I have to admit, a killing frost hits me kinda sorta unexpectedly (probably my own fault) and I wake up to most everything limp and black! (Gotta admit I'm eager for that to happen this year so I can say, "Whew, gardening season is finally over!"

  7. You and Papa Pea are very busy indeed. I love that your garden escaped damaging frost! We're just now getting cooler temperatures, but the soil is too dry to plant. Tried to dig sweet potatoes yesterday and it was like trying to dig through rock!

    1. Leigh - With your high heat all spring, summer and fall, I think you do exceedingly well with your garden! Will the sweet potatoes have suffered any in quality because of the lack of moisture?

  8. We had a hard frost and I had hoped (I am such a bad, bad gardener) that it would wipe out the peppers and tomatoes...tomatoes yes. Peppers no. Pfft. I am with you on the sleeping thing. Up this morning at 3 after tossing and turning for a couple of hours. I'm dragging my caboose.

    1. Susan - Dragging your caboose, draggin' my wagon . . . I feel your pain! ;o} I went to bed early last night (shortly after 9) and woke up thinking it must be about time to get up. What time was it? 11:25. Sigh. We need to work harder during the day so we're more tired at night. (Yeah, right.)

  9. Our first frost is coming tonight and the stove is going. My son complained about the house being cold, but didn't bother lighting the fire before I got home.

    I hate those restless nights. Everything is harder the next day.

    1. tpals - We had a small fire in both the kitchen and livingroom stoves late yesterday. Had company sitting in the livingroom chatting so it felt very good. Just now though (Saturday night at 7:30) our temp is still up in the 50s which doesn't warrant any heat in the house. Temp doesn't seem to want to stay down where it should be this time of year!
