Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A Refreshing Day Off

Okay, so it wasn't truly a whole day, but a good portion of it.  We went back into the woods, waaay back into the woods.

It's a glorious time of year because you can see for miles and miles.  The snow (all but a patch here and there) is gone and the trees haven't leafed out yet.

We found two new places where we can easily put in our canoe to explore a lake and a river that we've never been on.

Now all we have to do this summer is take the time to do so.  We always think we need to keep our noses to the grindstone of tasks to be done here at home, but it feels so good to slip away of a day to relax and rejuvenate that it's downright dumb (dumb, dumb, dumb!) not to do so every now and then.

Would one of you be willing to wield a big stick and drum that into my thick head frequently?  Thank you.


  1. I will wield the stick long distance. I promise to remind you. You live in a beautiful place and you should stop to enjoy it. I have found that the work will wait for you.........

    1. gld - You're hired! You have the job . . . and I will be forever grateful! (You're so right, the work is always there when you return, isn't it?)

  2. I've been preaching that for years. The work never goes away. Though we may LOVE what our lives are, what a shame to never just "BE" in the moment. Hubby and I play hooky a lot. I don't want to have regrets later on in life. As my mother always said: (and I quote WORD FOR WORD)--Get out of the damn kitchen and LIVE. I will remind you at this point---she lost BOTH her legs and her eyesight. Best lesson I ever learned. Nuff said

    1. Sue - Whoa! You had the right way of thinking planted in your head through a very tough lesson, indeed! Nuff said. And thanks.

  3. It's actually refreshing to know that you do slip away for some free time. And what a beautiful place to do so. It does wonders for the soul. I would love to kayak on that lake.

    1. Laurie - The picture shows only a small part of the lake which is huge. We've never kayaked on it but have canoed on it many times. Once in a storm with waves so high we had to head for shore, blaze a trail through the woods, and walk several miles on a gravel road to get to where our car was!

  4. Weilding the stick. Do it! You have such an abundance of beautiful land & lakes that you SHOULD take the time to explore. Why not set a goal for at least once a month & then up that to twice because you know you will enjoy it.

    1. DFW - Good that I now have two brave and encouraging blog pals to threaten me with a big stick if I don't see to it that hubby and I get out and away more often. (I love you guys!)

  5. Mama Pea,

    I love being dedicated to working on the homestead and in the garden but there are times in life you must take a break and enjoy life. So I promise to swing a long stick from Oklahoma to Minnesota to remind you to take a break every now and then to enjoy life.

    1. Sandy - I know I can count on you to keep reminding me to strive for that "happy medium!" :o)

  6. Slipping away is good for the body and mind. Glad you went. It looks beautiful.

    1. Kristina - Ha! I figure if you and your hubby can manage a getaway now and then with all your kiddos and responsibilities at home, I should be smart enough to follow suit!

  7. What a beautiful backyard. I miss hills and rocks. We are flatlanders now and only one rock on the whole place.
    I've been thinking the same thing, about getting away. I'm gonna buy me a fishing license this year and go sit on the lake next door. It's time to do something besides work.

    1. odiie - Haha, I've got plenty of rocks right in my garden I'll be glad to send you!

      We do have to learn it's okay to do something that isn't "work" now and then. The work will be right there waiting the next day. I think that's the problem! How do we arrange for the work to get done while we're off relaxing and recreating?? ;o}
