Friday, November 6, 2015

Something Not Heard In Most Households

Our daughter stopped for a visit yesterday morning with the twins she cares for during the day.  (The adorable little munchkins -- a boy and a girl -- turn 2 years old tomorrow.)

They joined us for lunch which was warmed-up leftover meat loaf, potato casserole and freshly cooked broccoli.  The twins  have always been eager little eaters of just about anything set before them, but are especially fond of broccoli whether it's raw or cooked.

Forkful after forkful (and sometimes handful) of broccoli disappeared into their wee maws until their dishes were devoid of green at which time they both asked for more, please.  To this, Bopee (their name for our daughter) told them, "Eat some of your meat and potatoes and then you can have more broccoli."

Now I ask you, how many parents/caregivers of young children would be ever so pleased to have the need to speak that sentence?


Connie said...

Enjoyed this post. And I don't think I EVER had to say that to my kids or grandkids!

Jennifer Jo said...

That's awesome!

Wendy said...

Oh, I would love to have to say that!!!
I usually say something similar only with some words in a different order.

Susan said...

Never, EVER, have I heard that uttered at the dinner table. Tots or adults. Ever. That Bopee is doing something right... :)

DFW said...

Said no parent or caregive that I have ever known. That's great!

Mama Pea said...

Thanks, Cootie Bug . . . and welcome aboard!

Mama Pea said...

JJ - That it is!

Mama Pea said...

Wendy - I think we've all had similar experiences of getting little ones (and sometimes big ones!) to eat a balanced meal. Granted, it's not usually the greens that get eaten first though!

Mama Pea said...

Susan - Ever since the twins could do it, she's let them feed themselves (mess that it sometimes makes!) and I think there might be something to the theory that kids will choose to eat what their little bodies need if given the choice of properly prepared, nutritious foods. They get absolutely no junk foods or processed foods and very little sugar. (Hrumpf, wouldn't that be good for all of us??)

Mama Pea said...

DFW - Yep, it was so weird to hear those words actually spoken that we three adults around the table just kind of looked at each other and shook our heads!

Michelle said...

My son has always loved broccoli; I think it is his favorite vegetable.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

We called broccoli "tiny trees" when the kids were little. They were good with broccoli, it was brussel sprouts they wouldn't touch (still won't). -Jenn

Mama Pea said...

Michelle - Tell him that's a good thing because it's as good for building muscles as spinach was for Popeye!

Mama Pea said...

Jenn - I don't think it's unusual for kids OR adults to avoid Brussels sprouts, but I've always maintained that you shouldn't give up on them until you've tasted fresh ones right from the garden. They taste entirely different than those bitter, nasty ones that aren't fresh!

Michelle said...

My son would eat roasted brussels sprouts every day if I could afford them! Haven't tried growing them; we haven't had much luck with cruciferous vegetables.....

DDD said...

I am impressed.
Nutritious and delicious broccoli from Mama Pea's garden.
The twins have the very best caregiver.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

That's so cute. Our youngest grandson wants broccoli at most any meal - he'll ask for broccoli with his pizza - and is just as crazy for tomatoes - he eats them like an apple. Love to see kids eating their vegetables.

Sparkless said...

Nothing better than a kid who loves to eat healthy foods. My kids both liked broccoli but the daughter still doesn't like fruit. Weird kid.

Practical Parsimony said...

I read that roasted Brussels sprouts were less bitter than the boiled ones. However, I just loved them boiled and they don't seem bitter to me.

Mama Pea said...

DDD - The twins and their 5 year old sister (just started school this year) do have wonderful caregivers . . . including my daughter!

Mama Pea said...

JoAnn - Yes, broccoli on pizza is a great way to introduce it to the young kiddies. Any vegetable could almost be "disguised" on a pizza!

Mama Pea said...

Sparkless - Well, they tell us vegetables are more beneficial to our diet than fruits (sugars, even though natural) so maybe your daughter is the wise one!

Leigh said...

Wow, kids that love broccoli! I like it!

Unknown said...


Mark said...

Our kids loved the "trees" too, and still do as adults. I'm not sure they would put it above meat and potatoes, though.

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