Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A New Year Is Upon Us

You have brains in your head.  You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself,
any direction 
you choose.
                                                - Dr. Suess

Take hold of the reins and CHARGE!,
full steam ahead!
                                                 - Mama Pea

Wishing all of you a totally magnificent New Year of 2015!!  Let's all do what we can, in our own way, to make it so.


  1. Happy New Year, Mama Pea! Wishing you a productive, happy, and not-too-exciting 2015.

  2. Wishing you all the best for a wonderful 2015! Happy New Year!!!! Looking forward to seeing all you do this upcoming year. You are always my garden, homestead, quilting (and much more!) inspiration!

    1. Aw, gee, Lisa, you're such a sweetie! I so enjoy following you through your blog and all the pictures of your place . . . such a beautiful setting. Hope 2015 is a truly wonderful year for you and Tom.

    2. Thank you Mama Pea! We shall all have a great 2015!

  3. Replies
    1. And the same to you, DFW! Let's all plan on making the new year a great one!

  4. Excellent quotes---you should be as famous as the good Dr.
    Happy New Year!!

    1. Sue - Ha! If only! But, I've never wanted to be famous. Much too shy for that! My very best wishes to you and your good hubby for a much, much better 2015. 2014 is done, done, done now, you hear? :o}

  5. I agree with Sue! If we would all do one small thing every once in a while toward the greater good - what a difference we could make. I will celebrate having you (and the Pea Family) as part of my virtual and actual life!

    1. So true, my dear Sweezie. If we all lit but one little candle . . . We can make a difference even by sharing a smile and kind word (How 'bout a compliment? Nobody ever gets enough of those!) I thank my lucky stars (and technology) we've met!

  6. Happy New Year, Mama Pea and also to your main squeeze! :-)

    Where do you get your energy from? I need some of it!!

    Take care.

    1. Mollie - I don't know if it's energy or just zest for life. There are so many things I need to do (daily) to keep things running smoothly (which is important to me) and then there are the physical "jobs" which are really improvements to our well-being and security. (A leaky roof whether it be over humans or livestock does not make for a secure feeling!) Also, I have so many (okay, too many) personal interests I feel I've still not had time to pursue to my satisfaction. So I guess that's where my energy comes from. Best wishes to you, Mollie, for a New Year filled with contentment and happiness!

    2. Thanks, Mama Pea. I used to have lots of energy--didn't stop all day long. Focused and all the rest. Seems to have changed in the last several years. Maybe my question was rhetorical. Nevertheless glad YOU have energy and zest for life.

  7. I hope you and Papa Pea are blessed beyond measure for 2015!! Thank you for always being such an amazing bloggy friend :)

  8. Replies
    1. Same to you, Kristina! I always look forward to your daily posts. Don't know how you do it with everything else you do!

  9. Mama Pea,

    Happy New Year To You and Papa Pea.
    Here's to a very big and wonderful 2015 garden :-)

    1. Thanks, Sandy. The same to you and yours.

      I haven't done it yet, but I'm thinking about those seed catalogs and getting my orders done soon!

  10. Happy New Year, may it be full of blessing for you and your family

    1. Aw, thanks, Michelle. I wish the best for you and yours in the New Year of 2015.

  11. Replies
    1. Leigh - The same to you and Handyman Dan! (But I know he couldn't do what he does without you, remember that!)

  12. Happy New Year Mama and Papa Pea! I hope 2015 brings you both wonderful surprises!

    1. Sparkless - I'm glad you said WONDERFUL surprises! ;o) So often surprises are not so nice and none of us need any of those. Happy New Year!
