Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A Brief (Wet, Gray) Check-In

Mother Nature is not doing much to dress our landscape for the holidays.  We have had rain and drizzle and fog for days and days.  And days.

Our garden beds are saturated and many of them have standing water on the top.

Above are some of our apple trees.  Not much snow left on the ground after all this rain.  Our yard area and driveway are solid ice with standing water over that.

These pictures are straight out of my camera.  That's as much light as we've been having at mid-day.  I think the dreary days are starting to get to me.  Good thing we have lots of lights and colorful decorations inside to create a bit of festiveness.

So, so different than last year when we had tons of snow at this time of the winter.  I'm hoping Santa brings our little area of the country some SUN for Christmas!


  1. Completely gray and rainy here in GA too! Merry Christmas to you! Angela

    1. Angela - Well, gosh . . . where's the sun?? Best holiday wishes to you!

  2. We've got the blah stuff as well. Lots of ice, as it has rained the whole day.
    Have a wonderful Christmas, Mama Pea.
    I hope you get your snow (and send the leftovers here!)

    1. Sue - Gadzooks! Is the sun no longer anywhere?!

      According to the forecast, we're not going to get snow for Christmas. But we'll make it a good one despite that. Hope your day is great, too! Hugs.

  3. Mama Pea,

    We've had dreary weather too. It's depressing, lol.......
    I try to keep the house completely lit up so it's not depressing inside and take Vitamin D (because of the lack of light exposure).

    Expecting snow the day after Christmas here.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To You and
    Yours :-)

    1. Sandy - Yep, we're tossing down the Vit D, too. I can't ever remember a Christmas season when we've kept the tree lights on all day (besides at night). It's been gray enough that they actually light up the room! Happy, happy holidays to you and yours, Sandy!

  4. It's gray and rainy here in Ky too! we are taking vit D also. Merry Christmas to you!


  5. Rain today but SUN tomorrow!!! Merry Christmas to you and PapaPea

  6. It's rainy, 50's, and very gray here today too. It's way different from last year.

  7. Wow, really surprised at your lack of snow compared to last year! But you still have a ways to go until spring. I totally understand that dreariness feeling with the gray days. When the sun finally came out on Christmas, I was like a kid!


  8. A mix of wet and gray, with a few hours here and there of sunshine in NE Indiana. No snow in sight, though. Things have JUST now settled down from the holiday rush. I'm going to catch up on comments then get my own post out.
