Monday, November 10, 2014

A Tiskit, A Tasket . . .

Somebody's gonna be making baskets!

Busy day today.  I'll be away from home for the better part of the day so instead of taking the time to search out an appropriate basket in which to put the names of you gals who said you'd be interested in the three basket making books I offered as a giveaway . . . 

. . . I put the four names in a little bowl, had Papa Pea squeeze his eyes shut and draw one out.

Yepper, the books will be going to:


I'll get them in the mail to you as soon as I can this week, Kristina.  I know your crafty fingers will be producing some lovely baskets this winter.  Be sure to show them to us on your blog.  (No pressure . . . but we'll all be checking up on you.  ;o}  Hee-hee.)

Have a wonderful day, dear readers.  We're on the watch for snow today and tomorrow, but only a 50% chance of the white stuff as it stands now.


  1. Mama Pea,

    Congratulations Kristina!

    I've been seeing pictures of this storm going through MN and MI. Stay warm and safe my friend. The weather is heading down our way this evening. The winds have picked up to 30 MPH.

  2. Oh my gosh, thank you! You are so funny too. Ha ha! You never know, I might have a snowy day of basket making.

  3. Yay, Kristina!!! If anyone can fashion a lovely basket, it is Kristina! (I'll be checking, too....)

  4. Yes Congratulations Kristina baskets are so much fun!

  5. Oh, your blog header! I enjoy so much that you change them but this one made me sad, LOL. We're in the midst of fall leaf change, either for color or for on the ground.

    Congrats to Kristina. I have to admit that basket weaving is something that never appealed to me, but folks who do it love it.
