Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Getting With It Again

I wrote a friend last night that things tend to get a little uncomfortable and wonky around here when I'm not ready and able to do my usual thing.  Tending to think I don't do as much or what I do isn't as important as the endeavors of my better half is a possibly erroneous notion of mine.  Maybe I should give myself a raise.

Things necessary to keep this joint running smoothly do, indeed, start to go rapidly down the tubes when one of us isn't totally engaged with mind, body and spirit!  Now it's catch-up time for a period in this already over-scheduled summer.

Papa Pea just disappeared into the bathroom to brush his teeth while announcing he's going directly out to the wood pile in about 5 minutes.  Was that a hint?  Not necessary as he knows I feel quite left out if I'm not back there grunting and groaning playing right alongside him.  So, this shall be shorter than originally planned.

Before leaving the house, I'm going to try a new mosquito repellent we've obtained.  It's a homeopathic tablet one chews and which claims to keep mosquitoes from biting for up to two hours (or longer).  Oh, wouldn't that be wonderful as the *$%#! buggers have been simple AWFUL lately.  They are the worst they've been in the 17-18 years we've lived in this location.

A rhubarb pie is nearly ready to come out of the oven, the sun is shining brightly, I'll brush my teeth, chew the damned-mosquitoes-be-gone tablet (damned mosquitoes, not tablet) and head out for a couple/few hours of wood splitting and stacking.

More later today if I can.


  1. I was just thinking of you this morning and was hoping you were coming out of your "tilt-o-whirl".
    Sunshine and pie.......sounds like a dandy day!
    (without overdoing it!)

    1. Sue - I've been pretty much back to "the usual" for a few days but playing catch-up doesn't leave much time for blogging or even reading blogs. Gotta change that PDQ!

  2. I hope the tablet works. I make a spray with vodka and basil which seems to work here.

    1. Kristina - Hmmm, vodka and basil. I assume one drinks it? (Hahahaha. Feeble attempt at humor.)

  3. You deserve not only a raise, but a promotion (or ten)! I am so glad you are feeling (almost) back up to snuff - and if that tablet works, would you share the source? The insects down here are of a particularly blood-thirsty nature this year!

    1. Susan - I think we were all hoping the severe winter and tons of snow would crush the livin' daylights out of all biting insects, but it seems to have had the opposite effect, wouldn't you say? I'm not ready to give a good recommendation on the tablet yet, but will keep you up to date on it.

  4. I keep mosquito fish in all the larger animal water troughs.

    1. Tombstone Livestock - Fish? Like real, live fish?? Don't the animals accidentally slurp them up? (Sure is a lot I don't know about!)

    2. Nope critters don't slurp them up, tanks are about 30" deep. Mosquito fish reproduce quite well, you might need to have a large enough tank so it does not completely freeze in winter. County furnishes fish for free here.

  5. Glad to hear you are on the mend. That is probably the best thing about where we live, hardly any mosquitoes. I can actually sit outside and not get eaten alive. If you drive just 10 minutes away from here you will find way more mosquitoes. It's just too hot and dry here for them and not many places for them to reproduce even though we live by a river it's a large fast moving one.

  6. I'm glad you're able to do things again, but don't over-do it ... you know what happens = relapse.

    1. Yvette - I'm too ornery to have a relapse! Hugs to you, too, bloggy friend!

  7. There's been a case of West Nile around here from those blasted mosquitoes. Tell us how the tablets work out please.

    1. tpals - Well, that's scary. :o( When done here, I'm going to put up a blog post and will update you on the tablets. You're welcome.
