Friday, February 21, 2014

And March is our Big Snow Month!

Oooo, my back.

My neck.

My shoulders.

My arms.

I think my nose is frozen.

I know my fingers are.

There is snow inside my boots.

Inside my socks.

Inside my . . . never mind.

It is 4 p.m. in the afternoon.

I am finally done helping move snow outside.

Papa Pea is just "finishing up this last little bit," he says.

We did squeeze in a quick break for breakfast
somewhere around 11 a.m.

Now I could eat a bear.

If someone else would cook it.

I can hardly move.

I am really, really tired.

Send help.

How much snow did we get overnight?  I don't know.  Who's counting anymore at this point?

We think it must be somewhere around 12-14".   Although the winds along with the snowfall made some beautiful sculptures, they were like cement to move on the driveway and in the yard and on the paths.

Traditionally, the month of March is the one in which we get most of our snow.

Uh-oh.  Where are we going to put more snow?  No sense worrying about it.  It will all work out.

For now, I'm hitting the Arnica to sooth my aches and pains.  While hoping we don't get any more snow soon.  I need to rest a little before attaching my body to the snow shovel again.

All is well.  

We're warm and secure.  The pantry is full.  Our daughter will do more plowing for us on the driveway tonight after work.  Right now it's a narrow passageway out to the main road.  A bit like the bobsled run at the Olympics, but passable.  

All is well.


  1. JJ - Want some? We have plenty. And we'll share. ;o}

  2. You need a snow blower! Would make shoveling the snow much easier and quicker.

    1. Sparkless - Yep, we've talked about a snowblower a lot this winter. The problem is most snowblowers don't work worth a darn on gravel and that's what we have here. No paved areas at all. But I do think a small one might work for the paths when we get a packed amount of snow on the ground/grass first. We're keeping the thought in mind.

  3. I have always wanted to try bobsled. But, alas I think that is too late to add to the bucket list. Come on down South, we'll get the winter out of your bones.

    1. DFW - I've always wanted to learn how to downhill ski. Let's get together (at a posh resort in Colorado??) and you can learn to drive a bobsled and I'll learn to downhill ski. It's never too late!!

  4. When we lived in Northern Minnesota, we used a LARGE snowblower on our gravel driveway. Once it froze we didn't have any trouble using it on the gravel. Much easier than shoveling. Do you shovel your roofs?

    1. Myrna - Hmmm, do I see a snowblower in our future? We talked with a friend last night who does their whole gravel driveway (not short) with a snowblower. As you say, once things are packed and frozen well with a covering of snow, it works for them. Hmmm . . .

  5. Oh no :/ Wish I could send you some of my warmer weather. Even the cool 50's we are supposed to get this next week would get rid of some of that. Rest dear lady, you have earned it!

    1. Stephanie - No melting in sight for us! As so often happens after a storm, our temps are back in the deep freeze. Lows of -20° for the coming week. Gak!

      No aches or pains this morning after all my exerting yesterday. Either I'm in pretty good shape . . . or all my nerves are dead.

  6. Pour gasoline on that snow and burn it off!

    1. Sunnybrook Farm - But think of the amounts of gasoline it would take! ;o)

  7. I'm with Sunnybrook.....flamethrower? blowtorch? a small volcanic eruption?

    1. Carolyn - You guys are all a bunch of real comedians!

      As a friend said last night when we were discussing the snow situation, "But we don't have hurricanes. Or tornadoes." OR volcanic eruptions!

  8. You guys don't need a flamethrower.

    Lemme come up there and have just one good HOT FLASH and I'll melt it all down. @;)

    1. Tami - This picture just flashed through my mind of you laid out on a wooden pallet and us pulling you around from one spot to another. (Ever thought of hiring yourself out to northern, snowy areas?)

  9. When I hear about conditions up north, I am ashamed to ever have complained!

    I don't see how you cope. Having the freezer and pantry full must be required. Do the roads get impassable?
    I hope you enjoy reading....and have tons of material ready.

    1. gld - Naw, don't feel ashamed. It's all in what one gets used to. We're prepared up here (as is the highway department) for snowy conditions. We have had more snow this winter than in several years passed though. Is it just a quirk or are we entering a new snowy period? Time will tell!

  10. Oh yea! I hope you woke up feeling like I did this morning. Great! I thought I'd be so sore that I wouldn't be able to move, but I'm not! Actually feeling good and out doing some more shoveling this morning.
    Our road keeps blowing closed with these winds.Kinda cool driving between those banks, feels like you're in a snow tunnel. Enjoy the sunshine today.

    1. odiie - We be tough women! (Hee-hee.) I'm not achy at all, happy to say. So how many inches did you get from the storm?

      The last thing I said to hubby when we came in late yesterday afternoon was that I was really gonna be ticked if the wind put all the snow we had just moved back where it was in the first place! However, we lucked out 'cause it all stayed in the cleaned up piles.

      I think you're in a more open area than we are so understand how the roads keep blowing closed.

      Sunshine? Hey! How 'bout sharing some with us? We're pretty gray . . .

  11. Wow! It's seems a long time since we had a super snowy winter. I'd much prefer that to the long as I could stay home. :)

    1. tpals - This is the snowiest winter we've had in this place . . . been here going on 18 years now.

      Winters with extreme cold and no snow are the WORST. I'm mighty thankful for our heavy snow cover 'cause we're sure having the cold this year, too. Lows of -20° for this coming week.

  12. Holy cow x 2!!! I wish we'd get some here, drought in the mtns.

    1. Little Homestead in Boise - The weather seems to be getting extreme no matter where you live. If only we could even it all out!

  13. Mama Pea,

    Time to stay hunkered down, and warm!!!
    Oh how I so don't miss those days when we lived up north. We get some snow but now where near what it's like in MN, MI, or Canada.
    Maybe some nice hot chocolate to warm the insides, and push off snow removal for another day?

    1. Sandy - We got all the clean-up done on Friday because we knew the temp was scheduled to bottom out right away . . . and it has! Didn't want to have to work out in the frigid temps or have the snow get hard and crusty on us.

  14. Wow! That's significant snow for sure! If a snowblower would work, I hope you can get one soon.

    1. LindaCO - We're still kicking the snowblower idea around but it probably won't happen this winter. Maybe we could get a better deal on one come spring? Then we'd be all set for next year. When we'll probably be back to a next to no snow winter!

  15. I...can... not... speechless. Like you said Mama Pea, are you sure we live on the same continent? country?! It's awful pretty though. And you don't have to worry about incorporating a daily exercise routine?! Hope you are feeling rested today.

    1. Lisa - The thing is we aren't getting out to do as much recreation as we would like this winter. It's no fun even snowshoeing, X-country skiing, or snowmobiling when you can't keep warm enough for any length of time. We continue to have terrible wind chill factors so we do our regular daily chores and frequently walk the 1/2 mile round trip to get the mail, but mostly have to be content doing inside things. (I'm not complaining 'cause we always manage to keep ourselves busy and happy inside, too.)

  16. about the same here ,Mn dot has not done such a good job on the roads ,we took my daughter beater to the VA over the week-end ,to urgent care ,in her old beater,that dog tracks ,and following ruts in the road ,but we are also better now and more relaxed ,i don;t like taking that drive in this kind of weather but you know the song "weather or not together".... i;m glad your better too,we Minnesotans are a hearty bunch.So my niece is getting married ,wants suggestion of nice places in your area,she is totally a north woods person.she wants a mini-moon up there ,we have 2 suggestions, East Bay Suites,or The Blue heard of either ,thanks

    1. judy - I know of both places but have not been inside their guest units. Have her Google places to stay in the county and she'll find pictures along with prices. Bring warm clothes!

  17. I am really hoping this year, March isn't our snowy month. Because.....neither I or the critters need any more snow. Don't know where we will put much more anyway.

    1. FoxyLady - There are spots along the paths we keep shoveled where I can't throw the snow high enough any more. Papa Pea is getting panicky about not being able to clear much more around the house and yard and the driveway will soon turn into a bobsled run.

      We've got a deer population that hangs around our property (a tiny population compared to yours!) and we can see them struggling. We don't feed them per se (you know, hay and corn and such) but have been putting out apples that are starting to go bad and mangels I grew for the chickens (which the chickens won't eat!) and the deer are snarfing those things up.

  18. wow that is a lot of snow. Glad you are sharing apple bounty with the deer, going to be awhile before they have grass, although they will eat whatever leaves and bark they can find.

    1. Tombstone Livestock - "People" say the deer are suffering this winter, but all of them that we've seen on our property look to be in good condition. Although once they get off their established trails, they have a tough time moving. The problem will come in the next couple of months when the snow gets a crust on top. Then the wolves will be able to run on top and chase down the deer who will still sink into the heavy snow cover. Such is nature, eh?
