Monday, February 11, 2013

An End to Monday

And I'm glad to see it coming to an end.  No, nothing terribly awful, bad happened today.  It was just one of those days where nothing went quite right.

One little snafu thrown into our day was that our Internet service was down all day . . . and just came back on about 30 minutes ago.  I'm thinking it's not good when I realize how much we use the computer during a day's time.  This, of course, becomes very evident when you can't use it.

Granddog Tucker was out helping Papa Pea do some work in the yard when he (that would be Tucker) barked at the back door to be let in which I did.  However, I failed to let my dear husband know I had done so and same dear husband spent a bit of time hiking all over the acreage looking for Tucker thinking he had taken himself for a little walk in the woods.  Given the possible presence of one or more wolves roaming about, this would not have been a good situation.  I will not eleaborate on the conversation between us when my better half came in the house to share his concern regarding Tucker being missing only to find that I had him in the house with me.

The day seemed to be filled with little irritating thorns of the same kind all the way through our dinner . . . which I was about to put on the table, assuming I had communicated to Papa Pea I was doing so, only to have him disappear somewhere outside for better than a half hour.

Get the drift?  Yeah, just one of those days.

* * * * * * * *

The good news (for us snow lovers) is that we got at least 8" of heavy, wet snow late yesterday afternoon/early evening in the span of four hours.  And for snow that is that heavy to be blown into impressive drifts, you know we had some strong winds along with the snow.

So we had a lot of snow moving to do today.  Bless our daughter and her honkin' big snowplow, now that she is living much closer to us, we can borrow her rig and her expert services.  Papa Pea did a small amount of clearing with the plow this morning and then Chicken Mama (snow plower extraordinaire) did the whole driveway and front and back work areas after she got off work tonight.

Dear hubby and I did our fair share of shoveling by hand (he more than me) so got our daily exercise and fresh air.

Sorry I neglected to get any pictures.  (The way the day went if I had taken my camera out I probably would have lost it in the snow.)  Our driveway had a whole new look to it with trees on each side so heavily laden with snow that some areas took on an almost tunnel-like look.

Well, it's late enough now into the evening that one of us (that not being me) is ready for bed and sitting in the living room for some wind-down reading time.  Time for me to be doing the same.


  1. Aak! I hate days where communication seems to be on the fritz & we end up working at cross purposes! Thesnow sounds beautiful. I think the most we've had all season is 4 inches 8-/ Thank goodness for CM and her magical snow plow! Stay warm!

    1. Katidids - As so often after a snowstorm, the temp has dropped and it's feeling much colder this morning. After the clean-up and plowing yesterday, we actually have some piles of snow around and about and it FINALLY looks like real winter time out there!

  2. Yes, the best part to days like that is the end. And thankfully they do. End. Shoveling is great exercise, but it sure is nice to have someone with a plow around, isn't it? Glad you're okay - it was a little quiet around here.

    1. Susan - The area we keep free of snow is much too large to do it all by hand so CM and her snowplowing rig are very much appreciated!

      No aches or pains this morning from the shoveling exercise yesterday so I guess I'm still in fairly good shape!

  3. We had a bit of a Monday too here, nothing major, just little stuff. Here's to a good Tuesday!

    1. Stephanie - Thank goodness for new days, huh? Yep, today is going to be a good day!

  4. My grandmother always said 'bad beginning- good ending'. I hope your day today goes much smoother. :)

    1. Jane - Blessings upon your dear grandmother! (Sure hope the opposite doesn't hold true . . . you know, as in "good beginning - bad ending?")

  5. Oh I hate those kinds of days. Seems like they have to come around every now and then, don't they? Hopefully you're no worse for the wear?

    1. Leigh - Both hubby and I went to bed last night declaring that today was going to be a good day. And it was. (It's just so weird when you have one of those days when so many thing go whacky!)

  6. What a terrific daughter you have!!! And as Scarlett in 'Gone With the Wind' said.... "tomorrow is another day".... ?!!! Seriously, I hate those days when it seems as if things are off-kilter for no rhyme or reason. Wishing you a better day tomorrow and for the rest of the week.

  7. Um.... I guess 'today' is 'tomorrow' as your post's title is 'an end to Monday' and this is Tuesday night.... and .... I think I'm behind my behind.... :) Hugs Mama Pea!

    1. Lisa - I love your phrase, "I think I'm behind my behind." I've never heard it said quite that way before. I'm gonna have to remember to use it 'cause that's frequently the state I'm in!!

    2. My dear friend... I got that phrase from you.... !! .... and it's funny how it always seems to fit. :)

    3. You DID??! If so, more of my brain cells are dead than I had previously suspected!

      I know I frequently say, "The hurrier the go, the behinder I get."

      But if I did say I'm behind my behind . . . gosh, that's kinda clever of me! ;o}

  8. Rest up after shoveling that wet snow! I can't think of two people more fit for shoveling that heavy stuff but still - you Minnesotans go overboard LOL, take a baby asprin hehee! (Gee, I say that like I'm NOT a Minnesotan?)

    1. Erin - We hiked the loop in our snowshoes today and I think that was harder than the shoveling yesterday! Well, going UP the first half of the trail was anyway.

      You've been away from Minnesota snows for too long, my friend. Get thy tush back here asap!

  9. Ahhh..the snow. lol We're back having 50 degree days again and then cold nights. Sigh...this is certainly NOT the weather I grew up in !

    We have days like that every now and again....thankfully not too often. lol

    1. Akannie - Fifty degree days equals the month of June up here near the tundra! ;o}

  10. Most everyone said what I was gonna say... meaning tomorrow is another day (re: Scarlett O'Hara at her best). I hate how it seems when a day starts like that it starts to snowball. Hang in there!

    1. Ruth Dixon - Yep, there must be negative arrows bouncing around the atmosphere on days like that. (Or bouncing around the immediate vicinity anyway!)
