Saturday, January 12, 2013

It's Good and It's Not So Good

Tomorrow (Sunday) was to be the last day to wind things up in getting Chicken Mama moved out of her beloved Swamp River Ridge.

The crews were all lined up and the big, final push was a go.

But late this afternoon we got word that it's not going to be happening.  Why?  Because the rain we've had falling since last Thursday night has turned to glaze ice with this afternoon's rapidly falling temperatures.

Chicken Mama was notified that the county road that must be traversed before getting to her 4-1/2 mile driveway is impassable.  Yep, that's right.  No one has been successful in getting in or out of it today.  One fella put chains on his truck thinking if he crept along, he'd be okay.  His truck is now in the ditch with two broken brake lines.

It's distressing to know that these circumstances just delay the inevitable for Chicken Mama and prolong the emotional turmoil for another week, but no one has a choice in the matter.

So what's good about the situation?  Our poor daughter has come down with a whopper-doo of a sinus infection that prevented her from going to work today.  And even  though she had no choice but to get out of bed and do what needed to be done tonight, as her mom I was really afraid tomorrow was going to be too much for her.  It would have been a difficult enough day, but to be feeling as bad physically as she is it would have been just plain miserable. 

She was unable to sleep much last night because of her pounding headache.  Now, hopefully, she'll be able to get the rest needed tonight and tomorrow at home to start putting her back on the road to being healthy and strong again.

I think we all knew this rain in January was going to end up wreaking havoc in one way or another.  Our temp now at 7 p.m. is down to 17 degrees and the water that is everywhere has formed into ice, ice and more ice.  At least the rain has stopped so there should be no ice coatings on power lines and such.  Papa Pea went around to all our vehicles this afternoon making sure all the doors would open before they froze solidly shut.  If everyone stays safe on the roads (off the roads would be best) and upright on their feet until we get some snow cover on all the ice, we should be okay.


  1. Oh man. What else can I say besides, boy that sucks. Hope everyone can re-coop overnight.

    1. Carolyn - You can say that again! Haven't heard from CM yet today but am really hoping she had a good night.

  2. Stay safe and stay home, sorry it prolongs all this moving stuff but it's definitely better that you are home safe and CM is nursing her sinus headache and getting some rest. Ice is such nasty stuff.

    1. Erin - We may do some work with CM in a storage unit in town if she feels well enough today. Otherwise, we're sticking close to the home fires!

  3. Dang weather!! I'm sorry to hear weather has delayed Chicken Mama's move but it sounds like it may be the best since she's so sick. I hope she's feeling better soon and the next time you get to finish the move the weather cooperates.

    1. Sparkless - Thanks for your kind words. One way or another, this all will be done shortly.

  4. I'm so sorry... I know that in cases like this, getting the final stuff moved takes off so much stress, but Chicken Mama needs to get better, so its all for a reason. And brrrrrr.... to cold for me.

    1. Ruth - We had 6 degrees when I got up this morning. So you're right . . . brrrr! But we also have bright sunshine so that helps. Although at these temps, it's probably not going to have a great effect on the ice!

  5. Weather rules and ice is nothing to mess around on. Seems like a little rest would be good for all of you. Hope Chicken Mama is feeling better very soon.

    1. 2 Tramps - Yep. Ice has a way of saying "don't mess with me!" We are all gonna take it easy today.

  6. Hope CM feels better soon...that sinusitis is some nasty stuff...yuck, yuck, yuck.

    You're such a good mama....our kids don't realize that just because they grow up and think they don't need mama-ing anymore, we still do.

    Prayers that the rest of the move goes quickly and painlessly...when the time is right.

    1. Akannie - Don't cha wish there was someone to mama you now and then? (I do.)

      I've got some chicken soup and dumplings simmering on the stove right now. Don't know if it will help her or not but it will be ready if she wants to try it.

  7. Hope she isn't coming down with that flu!It's been cold here in Texas but no snow.

    1. Annnightflyer - No, I don't think this is the flu. If she is laid low by anything, it's a bad cold or this infection in her sinuses that she seems to be susceptible to.

      No snow for you, but are you getting heavy rain?

  8. Awww :( Keeping her and you guys in prayers for the whole situation.

  9. What a pain. If it isn't one's another. Always something to prolong the misery and stress. looks like such a gorgeous day.....even if it is only 2 degrees!

    1. Foxy Lady - Yep, the sun does help, doesn't it? I'm imagining your road is not in very good shape either . . . right?

  10. Sure hope Chicken Mama gets better fast! Both for her well being and to be ready to finish up the move when the ice 'breaks'.

    Right now I have -4 deg and frozen hot water ... kind of an oxymoron isn't it?

    Hugs to you all

    1. Yvette - So good to hear from you again! Yup, when your HOT water is frozen, that is not good! Hope things have warmed up over the day's time and you're back in business again.

  11. The ice was awful. I just about biffed it three times carrying rabbits back and forth to be brushed. My uncle fell and broke his shoulder. We stayed off the roads and stayed home. Today with the cold temps, the roads are much better.
    I hope Chicken Mama is up and better. Give her the garlic!

    1. odiie - I know. I stepped out on the front deck and even though you could see no ice right outside the door, I just about went down before I knew it. Luckily, I still had hold of the door so caught myself. We're sure hoping we get enough snow to cover the ice good and deep but so far it hasn't amounted to much. Love winter. Hate ice! Stay safe.

      CM is stopping over for chicken and dumplings for dinner tonight and I'll slip as much garlic to her as I can. She's not fond of it and usually complains when I use too much (for her tastes!) of it.
