Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Not to Worry . . .

Many thanks to all of you who have inquired as to my health.  I totally understand why you might question it.  (Oh.  Were you speaking of physical health?)  I mean I haven't put up a blog post in over a week which is an unusual rarity for me.  ("Unusual rarity" . . . my mom was fond of saying this because she had a friend who used the phrase frequently and didn't understand why it caused people to do a mental shake of their head.)

Admittedly, I've been in a no-post rut.  Not only haven't I been posting, but I haven't even been reading (gasp!) or commenting on favored blogs.

* * * * * * * *

We're still involved in The Great Moving Adventure with Chicken Mama, although I have nothing to complain about because she's the one carrying the big burden on that.  (I'm just carrying boxes.  Hahahahaha!)

The above is an old snowmobile trailer that Chicken Mama wanted to keep.  Papa Pea pulled it home on his last trip out to get a load.  It made it the whole way . . . before one of the old, cracked and dilapidated tires went flat as a pancake.  What luck on that one.

* * * * * * * *

My temporary lack of blog enthusiasm may have a lot to do with the time of year.  I do know I'm feeling emotionally and physically exhausted.  Just plain TAH-red and lacking the oompf to do what needs to be done.  I have the urge to fill the wood box, lock the door and hibernate for a couple (or three) months.

It seems that so many people are going through tough times right now.  When someone says, "Did you hear what happened to (fill in the name)?" I want to cover my ears and run the other way.  Too much sadness, stress and down-in-the-dump-difficulties for people to have to deal with.

* * * * * * * *

Well.  Not good to dwell on the negative.  I think if those unreliable, wayward Christmas elves would just show up and get going on baking some Christmas cookies, things might start to look up around here.  Yeah, that's what we need.  Christmas music on the stereo, and some holiday baking with a little sugar-sprinkle crunch on the floor.  (I so remember that sound from when I had a little helper exuberantly shaking sprinkles on the cookies.)

* * * * * * * *

On the weather front, we didn't get the big dump of snow that was forecast for northern Minnesota this past weekend.  It went south of us where some areas got as much as 17".  Seems storms going to the south of us is happening a lot these past several winters.  What's with that?  We did get about 3" though which helps to brighten the landscape and give a boost to holiday spirit.

* * * * * * * *

Again, thanks to those of you who wondered why I disappeared.  Rest assured that other than having a case of blog block, I'm just hunky-dory.  And if all goes as planned, I will get some Christmas cookies baked today.  With or without the assistance of elves.    


  1. Glad you are ok just blue about blogging. I was going to check here 1 more time then email and after that drive up there to see what was up. Just kidding sorta, kinda I am forcing myself to post. I attribute it to the time of year and unseasonably warm weather here in DE. It gives me the blues.

    1. Lisa - Darn. If I had kept quiet for a little longer, you could have filled the car with gas and headed cross-country! ;o)

      We finally got more snow this morning. Now have maybe 6-7" on the ground and I gotta say that contributes a LOT to making things sparkly and looking more like the season should look. Hoping you get more seasonable weather soon, too!

  2. Your non-blog run actually inspired me to get back at it this week! I was concerned about your fall I read about on Chicken Mama's blog, I hope there are no lasting effects from that. She sure is a pillar of strength and a lot of that comes from you and Papa Pea. I totally understand about all the bad news around us, I have heard some things the past week or two that has got me down and I just wished it would get better for so many. To top it off another of our local Special Forces guys right down the street died the other day (you probably heard) saving a civilian doctor over in Afghanistan. Can't stop thinking about the family he left behind. Ah, Christmas spirit is indeed what we all need to focus on! If the hubs would get back in time for Christmas then I will really be happy! Hope you are able to get some cookies baked and enjoy the wood stove!

    1. Erin - No, I suffered absolutely no ill effects from the little moving mishap. It 'twas nothing.

      I truly don't know how you military families hold up when so many of the people you know don't come home. You're much stronger than the rest of us.

      So, so sorry to hear you won't be able to make it home for the holidays this year. Such a disappointment for all concerned. Sending good thoughts for your hubby to be with you and the boys at Christmas.

  3. Yep, Christmas music is definitely a mood booster for me these days. That and the smell of cookies baking is SURE to work wonders. Lots to whine about down here too, but I'm trying to just focus on the happy, good stuff and all my infinite blessings while I wait for the winter solstice to come and start giving us a few more minutes of daylight each day. Merry Christmas!!!

    1. thimblevee - That's such good advice . . . focus on the happy, good stuff and all of our blessings . . . of which there are many. More minutes of daylight would be nice but so would some sunshine! We've been in a terrible gray period. NOT good for the ol' solar panels!

  4. I was wondering what happened to you (but obviously not being caring enough to actually ask). I was kind'a hoping that you'd emerge from no-blogging land with a post and picture of some huge quilt or wall hanging. You did do SOME quilting, right?!

    1. Carolyn - Ya sure, you were worried about me! (You can't fool me; I'm betting you've been crying yourself to sleep for several nights now 'cause I haven't posted.)

      Quilting? What's that? Okay, I did make a pair of Christmas potholders to give away. And cleaned my quilt room. But no big projects. Grumpf.

  5. I was just about to ask what happened-really I was. Good to know that you're okay. I haven't done any baking yet, hoping that by putting it on my list it'll get done. (I love crossing things off.)

    1. odiie - I just took the last of a double batch of sugar cookies out of the oven. (Smells GOOD in here!) Now the part that drives me bonkers 'cause I'm so bad at it. The frosting and decorating. Martha? Oh, MAR-tha?? Got a couple of hours?

  6. Oops! Too late - I was already worried! There always seems to be too much going on this time of year. And, for whatever reason, a lot of it is sad/bad stuff. Time to pull on our Thankful Pants and get doing! I bet you could coerce an elf to help you with the sprinkles...and I heartily second the holiday music. It works wonders! I am sure I will earn myself a good swift kick in keester, but what, pray tell, is CM planning on doing with that trailer?

    1. Susan - The trailer? Last I heard she wanted to put sides on it and use it for hauling. But I'd say that little project is a few months down the road.

  7. I'm glad you are back because I need your help!

    1. Yesterday Erin mentioned your Almond Cranberry cake. I have searched your blog & can't seem to locate the recipe. Can you please either provide the link or post again?

    2. Do you think this cake would work like a quick bread? I was thinking about making them in the little tins & giving them away.

    3. My timeline is to make them on Sunday & bring them to work on Monday.

    Thank you!!!!

    1. DFW - Glad to help! Here's the link that should take you right to the post regarding the Almond Cranberry Cake. ahomegrownjournal.blogspot.com/2010/11/almond-cranberry-cake.html

      Sorry I couldn't put it in the form of a click on link (you'll have to type it all out) but I am a complete computer moron.

      I think Erin makes hers in a bundt pan but I always use a 10" tube pan. It would be putzy to make the cake in little tins for giving away, but I don't know why it wouldn't work. Good luck and let us know how they come out. It would be nice to know we could do it that way.

  8. I was one of those who was getting worried about you and at the ready to send off an e-mail of inquiry. Glad to hear you're 'ok' and completely understand about the bah humbug feelings, as struggling with a case of those myself. Haven't even wanted to listen to any Christmas music this year, and music is a huge part of my life. Wish we lived close and could get together to bake those Christmas cookies... that's a nice thought. Take care, stock your wood stove, heat a cup of hot tea, prop your feet up and try to have a quiet moment to yourself.

    1. Lisa - Oh, my! The idea of all of us getting together to have one huge fantastic cookie baking day would be wonderful. Except we'd have to include a day or so for just sitting around talking, laughing, and visiting, too.

  9. So glad to see your post Mama Pea. I was actually having a pretty good Christmas time until our kitchen sink problems. But the tree is up, presents are bought, music is playing and if the husband can fix the sink more cookies will be baked. There's no stopping it, Christmas time is here!

    1. Sparkless - You're a chirky little holiday elf, aren't you?! Keep it up. I think we all need your spirit. We haven't had to deal with a problematic kitchen sink but we did have a leak in the main water pipe coming into the house from the well. If it ain't one thing . . . ;o) It is fixed now (fingers crossed) and I hope your sink gets back in working order soon!

  10. Boy, do I hear ya Sister! It gets dark here in NC at 5 and I've been falling asleep EVERY night at 7:30 for the past few weeks now. I think SM would be concerned except I'm up again by 10:00 putzing around again.

    The Dark Days sure suck. What time does it get dark there? 3:00?

    Pull those covers over your head MP...We'll wake you when it's over @;)

  11. BTW Thanks for posting the link to your C-Berry Almond cake. I was over on Erin's blog morning and had to wipe the drool of the keyboards.

    I just keep getting fatter and fatter....

    1. tami - When we have a gray day (which is the only kind we've had for an age, it seems) you notice the darkness comin' on at 3:30. (I'm serious!) The "official" darkness comes at 4:30. It's so hard to make yourself go out at night for any kind of an event. I mean if it's been dark since 4:30 and you're due somewhere at 7, it feels like the middle of the night!

      I don't believe for a minute you're getting "fatter and fatter . . . " Besides, plenty of time for a pared down diet (and body?) after the first of the year!

  12. Good to see ya post something, LOL, I'm with you just want to hibernate. Been damp and foggy here and cold, but then you would probably think 40's in winter is tropical, not much going on here except daily feeding chores, but the grass is getting greener. Take care.

    1. Tombstone Livestock - Yay, yay, yay for green grass! That alone should be enough to put oompf in your tank!

      I vote we all get through the holidays and then really do hibernate. (It's just so wrong to get up in the morning when it's so darrrrrk out!)

  13. Ah, you are back and all is right with the world. Well, maybe that is a bit over the top but it is good to know all is mostly well in your part of the world. I must say I can identify with you right now. What with moving to a house I am not yet in love with (will be I'm sure) and all the stuff going on in the world, I too am a bit off. No Christmas spirit yet although today's annual quilt group luncheon did cheer me ever so slightly. I miss being near our grandchildren so that always makes Christmas a bit of a downer for me. Anyway, get some rest, do some knitting, read a book, and just relax for several days. With all you guys have been doing lately (well, since early spring probably), you deserve to do or not do whatever it takes to re-boot yourself.

    1. PS: For the luncheon today I baked a Cranberry Festival Cake which has cranberries (duh!) and is soaked in orange juice. Very yummy and moist. So, I went to check out your Almond-Cranberry Cake recipe and printed that off because it looked and sounded sooooo good. Unlike you, I love, love, love cake!!! And cookies too! I am a cookieaholic for sure.

    2. Karen L. - Ooof, rough time of the year to be settling into a new house, isn't it?

      You and my husband . . . both cookieaholics. Heck, I can't even keep him out of the raw dough! It's so hard getting a stash of Christmas cookies put by because he simply can't keep himself away from them when he knows they're in the house. (I could live on potato chips, he could live on cookies. Hmmmm. That would simplify my time spent cooking nutritious meals, wouldn't it?)

  14. Glad to hear all is well with you. I hear you on wanting to hibernate. I've been forcing myself to keep busy with things. I do hate this dark time of the year. It's dark when I leave for work and dark when I come home. Blah...

    1. Judy - Ah, yes I well remember those times of leaving home before dawn and returning in the dark. Kinda makes you feel like you missed the whole day, doesn't it? If we could only live more with the seasons . . . this dark time was meant for "hibernating." Or at least storing up on more sleep during the long nights!

  15. Hugs Mama Pea :) Love you!! Have a fabulous Christmas with Papa Pea and Chicken Mama. You all deserve some rest and relaxation.

  16. I knew you guys were very busy indeed. That trailer story reminds me one time we just arrived back to the the ice plant when the axle broke in half on one of the ice mans old pickup trucks we were driving. You dont get that lucky very often.

    1. Jane - Now a broken axle would definitely put a stop to the parade in short order! Sometimes we get lucky, huh?

  17. I understand exactly what you are saying. I am the same way. I hate the sad things even though I know it is part of life. I took a blogging break when I lost a good friend to cancer. Just hard to understand sometimes. I hope you get your mojo back soon!!! Merry Christmas!

    1. Val - So sorry to hear of the loss of your good friend. It is hard to understand.

      Happy Holidays to you and yours, Val!

  18. Replies
    1. judy - I am, thanks for asking. Hoping your days go better after that last bump in the road you had to get over.

  19. I agree that sometimes blogging quits being fun and motivating. Glad you checked in to let us know you're okay. Sounds like you've got a lot going on, and there's nothing wrong with that.

    1. Leigh - I'm just in a period that's taking the emotional stuffings out of me . . . but know it will pass. We have to process all that is happening around each of us . . . and process it in a healthy way. It seems there is so much sadness and conflict and suffering and life shouldn't be that way.
